我觉得还是E,原句补出应该是 more than three times as many independent institutions of higher education charge tuition and fees of under $8,000 a year as many independent institutions of higher education charge over $16,000. 是主谓宾的比较,不能省略主语。。。否则会有歧义,变成8000和16000的比较
according to OG187, I choose D: 187. In one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, fought at Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862, four times as many Americans were killed as would later be killed on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day.
(A) Americans were killed as
(B) Americans were killed than
(C) Americans were killed than those who
(D) more Americans were killed as there(A)
(E) more Americans were killed as those who
Choice A, the best answer, is the only option that accurately expresses the comparison by using the idiomatic form as many... as. In B and C, as many... than is unidiomatic, and in C and E, those who is a wordy intrusion. In D and E, more is redundant because the phrase four times as many in the original sentence conveys the idea of more.
投D, 个人拙见,as...as 应该可以补全,补全后的E显然有一个致命的错误, more than three times as many independent institutions of higher education charge tuition and fees of under $8,000 a year as those charging over $16,000 (charge tuition and fees of under $8,000 a year ). 省略的谓语宾语的部分应与前面保持一致,注意后半句现在的意思,收超过16000费用的机构收取了少于8000的费用