(C) Refuse collected by cityservices will contain a larger proportion of recyclable materials this yearthan it did last year.错误,上一年也有containrecyclable垃圾,只是一起烧了,没有分出来而已。 (D) The refuse incinerated this yearwill generate no more residual ash per truckload incinerated than did therefuse incinerated last year. 正确,今年垃圾总量减少,卡车数量不变,每车垃圾自然就减少了。D (E)The total quantity of refuse collected by Shelbyville city services this yearwill be no greaterthan that collected last year. 和总量没有关系,关键的是 今年:垃圾里含有的不可回收的垃圾 vs 去年:垃圾总量 的对比 |