First(这里多余啦),the lecture apparently disputes the points illustrated in the reading material. According to the passage that claims there has(are) three suggestions for this topic(应该简述一下这个topic 的).but this listening is not in agreement with that of the reading passage.
First, the reading passage states that cane toad can be keep in limit(这个是verb) place by national fence to control growing and propagating.but the professor hold a positive(opposite?) attitude towards that because the national fence can't work on the river way,like rivers and streams which will spear out to the place that national fence doesn't cover. So the young canes and cane eggs still can multiplied rapidly in other side. This suggestion is not effective.
Second,the professor mentions that letting the volunteer to capture and destroy the cane toad is not wise. She asserts that these volunteers didn't be trained(have not been) on how to know(这里应该是分辨出来distinguish) which one is the cane toad and which one is not the cane toad. So they maybe capture and destory the wrong animal that similar with cane toad. And if they didn't be trained, they may can't distinguish whether the toad is safety to people or not. If not, that will be dangerous to volunteers(这一点我确实没有听到额). This content that explicitly contradicts that reading passage.
Finally,the professor opposes to the reading passage's expectation that using the virus to control the cane toad's populations is not(not 去掉,在reading里面着就是一个好idea啊) a good idea. Because if the people use this kind of virus on the cane toads, theres will has a problem that if the researchers or pet collections who are from America attempt to take bring some cane toads with the virus to their country. These cane toads might be seriously infect to the other animal's populations in America,even destory the local place's ecosystem,becuase in the America, the cone toad is a native animal and it is the vital part of the America ecosystem.otherwise, it will cause a seriously ecosystem disaster.
In conclusion, the point made in the lecture contracts with that is presented in the reading material