另外我还有一个地方不懂,第一个boldface如果是像A说的那样是支持一个conclusion,那他是支持哪一个Conclusion?我觉得第一个boldface是一个事实,文章都是围绕它argue的,看不出它是支持哪一方吧?我问这个问题的原因是我做了OG12 CR 79(同OG13 CR 78),这个题跟89是类似的,但是答案的一个选项明确指明了开头的fact是支持哪一个观点的,但是我跟89一样看不出到底是有支持哪一方的倾向
附:79. In countrieswhere automobile insurance
includescompensation for whiplash injuries
sustained inautomobile accidents, reports of
having sufferedsuch injuries are twice as
frequent as theyare in countries where whiplash
is not covered. Presently, noobjective test for
whiplash exists, so it is true that spurious reports of
whiplash injuries cannot be readily identifi ed.
Nevertheless, these facts do not warrant the
conclusion drawn by some commentators that in the
countries with the higher rates of reported whiplash
injuries, half of the reported cases are spurious.
Clearly, incountries where automobile insurance
does not includecompensation for whiplash,
people often havelittle incentive to report
whiplash injuriesthat they actually have suffered.
In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play
which of the following roles?
(A) The fi rst is a claim that the argument disputes;
the second is a conclusion that has been based
(B) The fi rst is a claim that has been used to
support a conclusion that the argument accepts;
the second is that conclusion.
(C) The fi rst is evidence that has been used to
support a conclusion for which the argument
provides further evidence; the second is the
main conclusion of the argument.
(D) The fi rst is a fi nding whose implications are at
issue in the argument; the second is a claim
presented in order to argue against deriving
certain implications from that fi nding.
(E) The fi rst is a fi nding whose accuracy is evaluated
in the argument; the second is evidence
presented to establish that the fi nding is