比如文章中举的biology的例子,"relude, Verdana, san-serif">Take biology for instance. Do you think we could have a complete “theory” for the human brain that can quantitatively calculate all brain states leading to consciousness and our reaction to the external world? How about trying to build a “theory” for signal transduction that would allow us to not just predict but truly understand (in a holistic way) all the interactions with drugs and biomolecules that living organisms undergo? And then there’s other complex phenomena like the economy, the weather and social networks. It seems wise to say that we don’t anticipate real overarching theories for these phenomena anytime soon." 生物里无数个分子、基因/蛋白,那么多信号通路错综复杂,你没法拿一个大一统理论去概括所有。但还是有guideline的,比如生物老师经常对我们说的“结构是为功能服务的”。这就是guideline啊!后文提到的什么drug discovery,如何做modeling去model蛋白的结构然后用药物去作用,这个核心问题就是结构和功能的联系啊!你用药物去bind这个蛋白,改变了蛋白的构象(结构),就能影响这个蛋白的功能。
我觉得GMAT SC也是这样的道理。guideline可以说就一点: 为meaning服务(to express correctly & effectively)。至于具体怎么样,那就case by case. 我说inside-out,就是心里先把握这个guideline,然后拿具体的能觉察的一个个例题去体会这个guideline. 就像Apple的宣传方式"Everything we do, we believe in xxxx. "然后再说你看我们的products就是这样的体现。
Occam's Razor: a scientific and philosophic rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities