btw. 这题如果我来写正确答案的话:
Although viewed as a form of deprivation, little more than a joint a day for regular users could have the same kind of compensatory over-indulgence that is engaged by soda drinkers.
对了,我去掉了"that is engaged in"后面的in. 其实我不知道为什么要加in...所以希望没改变原意。
INCORRECT: The man you laughed at ...
CORRECT: The man at whom you laughed ...
INCORRECT: The book, which I refer to, ...
CORRECT: The book, to which I refer, ...
Incorrect versions在口语中经常出现,但是在书面语里不允许.
参考题目verbal review 2nd #20.
the speed limit continues to be fought over in our legislatures and on our freeways" is stylistically flawed.
从另一个角度说,G老师这道题"that is engaged
in by soda drinkers"这里in和by串联也算错。
The official explanation also cites "a pile-up of prepositions" in "to be fought over in".
From Mitch (an instructor)
A preposition generally should be followed by an object: Awkward: the movie that everyone is talking about. (No object follows the prepositionabout.) Better: the movie about which everyone is talking. (Which is the object of the prepositionabout.) I would be skeptical of an answer choice that offers a preposition not followed by a clear object -- especially when another answer choice avoids this issue and is free of errors. In B, over is not followed by an object; in E, over is directly followed by its object, the speed limit. --
D, E里面的"though"的用法我还是觉得怪怪的,感觉这样不清楚哪部分和哪部分形成转折。不过只是感觉,我也不确定。可能是因为我没见过这样的正确句子吧,汗...
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/6/30 3:02:12)
恩,应baby姐的要求,我现在就点评一下那个though。 这个though,不表示在句子中连词形式的转折,表示一个插入语。 是little more than的一个修饰成分。意思好像,“每天尽管就多那么一点点也会被看成一种剥削”。 任何词汇,都可以作为插入语存在。不必要纠结于词汇的形式,因为两个逗号,已经表明了这是一个插入语。 上面那个engaged in 的问题,等正确答案公布时再公布哈~