19. Early derisive reactions from artcritics and established painters did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau to exhibit repeatedly, despite him completely lacking formal training and starting late as a professional artist.
(A) did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau to exhibit repeatedly, despite him completely lacking formal training and starting late (B) did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau exhibiting repeatedly, completely lacking formal training though he was, and starting late (C) did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau to exhibit repeatedly, despite their complete lack of formal training and late start (D) did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau in exhibiting repeatedly, despite his complete lack of formal training and late start (E) did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau from exhibiting repeatedly,despite his complete lack of formal training and late start
Early derisive reactions from artcritics and established painters did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau from exhibiting repeatedly,despite his complete lack( of formal training )and late start (as a professional artist). 两个黑体字并列,lack 和start都是名词,括号里的两个介宾短语分别修饰这两个名词。你看懂了吗
Early derisive reactions from artcritics and established painters did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau from exhibiting repeatedly,despite his complete lack( of formal training )and late start (as a professional artist). 两个黑体字并列,lack 和start都是名词,括号里的两个介宾短语分别修饰这两个名词。你看懂了吗
-- by 会员 秋晨小仔 (2012/5/12 3:06:05)
谢谢MM解答~~ 不过我不是很同意哦~ his late start as a professional artist~~ 这里根本就不对等哦~~ 一个start 怎么能是artist呢?~~
Early derisive reactions from artcritics and established painters did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau from exhibiting repeatedly,despite his complete lack( of formal training )and late start (as a professional artist). 两个黑体字并列,lack 和start都是名词,括号里的两个介宾短语分别修饰这两个名词。你看懂了吗
-- by 会员 秋晨小仔 (2012/5/12 3:06:05)
谢谢MM解答~~ 不过我不是很同意哦~ his late start as a professional artist~~ 这里根本就不对等哦~~ 一个start 怎么能是artist呢?~~
Early derisive reactions from artcritics and established painters did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau from exhibiting repeatedly,despite his complete lack( of formal training )and late start (as a professional artist). 两个黑体字并列,lack 和start都是名词,括号里的两个介宾短语分别修饰这两个名词。你看懂了吗
-- by 会员 秋晨小仔 (2012/5/12 3:06:05)
谢谢MM解答~~ 不过我不是很同意哦~ his late start as a professional artist~~ 这里根本就不对等哦~~ 一个start 怎么能是artist呢?~~
-- by 会员 自然标格 (2012/5/12 8:56:12)
-- by 会员 秋晨小仔 (2012/5/12 9:02:41)
刚去搜了半天没搜到,但我还是觉得as 是需要对等的,因为表达的是一个“作为”的意思。 比如:He came to China as a tourist five years ago 我觉得唯一可以make sense的说法就是 start 可以作为一个artist,就像 career可以作为一个 artist一样~~ 不过还是觉得这题不好,不如he started as a artist lately清晰。 open to discuss~~
不是吧。。。。孩纸我觉得你理解的不对。。。as 是作为没有错,但是你给的例句和这道题感觉还是不一样。。。我真不知道该怎么跟你说。。。我比较水。。。求大牛牛,求单调哥。。 不过我还是把我能知道的都给你说说~ 要不你在start前面加一个his,再理解看看~ 这句话的意思是说,尽管他完全没受过专业训练,成为专业艺术家起步很晚,嘲讽他的人并没有打击他展览自己作品的积极性。强调“完全没有”和“起步很晚”用两个名词是出于简洁的需要吧, he started as a artist lately就很罗嗦了,既然start和lack有名词形式就要用名词啊妥妥的。。
不是吧。。。。孩纸我觉得你理解的不对。。。as 是作为没有错,但是你给的例句和这道题感觉还是不一样。。。我真不知道该怎么跟你说。。。我比较水。。。求大牛牛,求单调哥。。 不过我还是把我能知道的都给你说说~ 要不你在start前面加一个his,再理解看看~ 这句话的意思是说,尽管他完全没受过专业训练,成为专业艺术家起步很晚,嘲讽他的人并没有打击他展览自己作品的积极性。强调“完全没有”和“起步很晚”用两个名词是出于简洁的需要吧, he started as a artist lately就很罗嗦了,既然start和lack有名词形式就要用名词啊妥妥的。。
Early derisive reactions from artcritics and established painters did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau from exhibiting repeatedly,despite his complete lack( of formal training )and late start (as a professional artist). 两个黑体字并列,lack 和start都是名词,括号里的两个介宾短语分别修饰这两个名词。你看懂了吗
我觉得秋晨你理解得很对,这样的说法在英语里太常见了,读多了就会觉得很自然。 His career as an artist ... His role as a manager ... His start as an apprentice ... his prestige as a virtuoso ... 类似这样的句子你自己都可以造很多
秋晨这句话没错"he started as a artist lately"
不是吧。。。。孩纸我觉得你理解的不对。。。as 是作为没有错,但是你给的例句和这道题感觉还是不一样。。。我真不知道该怎么跟你说。。。我比较水。。。求大牛牛,求单调哥。。 不过我还是把我能知道的都给你说说~ 要不你在start前面加一个his,再理解看看~ 这句话的意思是说,尽管他完全没受过专业训练,成为专业艺术家起步很晚,嘲讽他的人并没有打击他展览自己作品的积极性。强调“完全没有”和“起步很晚”用两个名词是出于简洁的需要吧, he started as a artist lately就很罗嗦了,既然start和lack有名词形式就要用名词啊妥妥的。。