多谢楼主。根据jj写了第一篇aa,大家可以给点意见哈。。。 The author argues that lowering the priceof sugar, the primary export of Sacchar,can help to substantially reduce Sacchar’s trade deficit, because the loweringprice can make Sacchar better able to compete with other suger-exportingcourtries and thus the sale of sugar abroad will increase, which can help toreduce the trade deficit of the country. The claim seems appealing at a firstglance, but after reflection we will find serveral flaws during the argument.
In the first place, the author assumes thatthe overall output of the sugar can be easily increased to meet the increasingdemand due to the low price. However, no evidence in the argument supports thatassumption. It is possible that the overall output of the sugar in Sacchar hasalready reached the maximum to achieve the maximum profit and it cannot beincreased and more. Therefore the conclusion is weakened in this case becauseof the lower price and same output.
In the second place, the author assumesthat the price of suger can be lowered, which cannot be infered from theargument as well. It is possible that there is few profit for the manufactureto produce suger and if the price is cut any more there will be no profit toproduce sugar in Sacchar. In this case, the conclusion is weakened as the lowerprice of sugar will cause no manufactures in Sacchar to produce sugar.
Furthermore, there is no essential linkbetween the export and the trade deficit. The reduction of trade deficit can beacchieved by decreasing import, which may be a easiler solution to reduceSacchar’s trade deficit.
In conclusion, lowering price of the sugar in Sacchar willnot necessarily lead to a reduction of Sacchar’s trade deficit. To strenghthen the argument, the author needsto verify that there is no other solutions to reduce trade deficit in Saccharand that both lowering price of sugar and increasing output of sugar can beeasily acchieved.