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Twelve years ago and again five years ago, there were extended periods when the Darfir Republic's currency, the pundra, was weak: its value was unusually low relative to the world's most stable currencies. Both times a weak pundra made Darfir's manufactured products a bargain on world markets, and Darfir's exports were up substantially. Now some politicians are saying that, in order to cause another similarly sized increase in exports, the government should allow the pundra to become weak again.

Which of the following, if true, provides the government with the strongest grounds to doubt that the politicians' recommendation, if followed, will achieve its aim?

正确答案: B









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发表于 2012-5-2 15:49:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Twelve years ago and again five years ago, there were extended periods when the Darfir Republic's currency, the pundra, was weak:its value was unusually low relative to the world's most stable currencies.Both times a weak pundra made Darfir's manufactured products a bargain on world markets, and Darfir's exports were up substantially.Now some politicians are saying that, in order to cause another similarly sized increase in exports, the government should allow the pundra to become weak again.

Which of the following, if true, provides the government with the strongest grounds to doubt that the politicians' recommendation, if followed, will achieve its aim?

(A) Several of the politicians now recommending that the pundra be allowed to become weak made that same recommendation before each of the last two periods of currency weakness.

(B)[c1] After several decades of operating well below peak capacity, Darfir's manufacturing sector is now operating at near-peak levels.

(C) The economy of a country experiencing a rise in exports will become healthier only if the country's currency is strong or the rise in exports is significant.

(D) Those countries whose manufactured products compete with Darfir's on the world market all currently have stable currencies.

(E) A sharp improvement in the efficiency of Darfir's manufacturing plants would make Darfir's products a bargain on world markets even without any weakening of the pundra relative to other currencies.

[c1]Correct. manufacturing已经到peak level无法再提高生产,没有办法再exports了。有因无果


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发表于 2012-5-2 21:05:54 | 只看该作者
停下来先别做CR,去认真看看CR BIBLE在 GMAT备考资料有得下载,300多页,看完大有收获
发表于 2012-5-2 21:18:57 | 只看该作者
这不是因果型结论cause-related  应该是类比题。。。fause-analogy
twenties years ago and again five years ago, the currency is weaken, and the exports increased
so again if we want to increase exports today, the currency should be weaken.

得出这个结论→ 即为了要今天的出口增加 就必须要今天的货币贬值
如果我们需要削弱 就必须说不可比 当两种情况不一样时候才不可比

即为B选项 这不是它因吧偶觉得。。

E 整个就是无关哒。。。大前提就错了 讨论的逻辑链是 【贬值--出口】
without 贬值 就已经跳出这个逻辑链了

104.Although the discountstores in Goreville’s central shopping district are expected to close withinfive years as a result of competition from a SpendLess discount departmentstore that just opened, those locations will not stay vacant for long. In the five years since the openingof Colson’s, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the

location of every store in theshopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson’s.

Whichof the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A)Many customers of Colson’s are expected to do

lessshopping there than they did before the

SpendLessstore opened.

(B) Increasingly, the stores that have opened in the

central shopping district since Colson’s opened

have been discount stores.

(C)At present, the central shopping district has as

manystores operating in it as it ever had.

(D)Over the course of the next fi ve years, it is

expectedthat Goreville’s population will grow at

afaster rate than it has for the past several


(E)Many stores in the central shopping district sell

typesof merchandise that are not available at

eitherSpendLess or Colson’s.


1.    (24179-!-item-!-188;#058&000705)

Although fullerenes--spherical molecules madeentirely of carbon--were first found in the laboratory, they havesince been found in nature, formed in fissures of the rare mineral shungite.  Since laboratory synthesis of fullerenesrequires distinctive conditions of temperature and pressure, this discoveryshould give geologists a test case for evaluating hypotheses about the state ofthe Earth's crust at the time these naturally occurring fullerenes were formed.

Which of the following, if true, most seriouslyundermines the argument?

(A) Confirming that the shungite genuinelycontained fullerenes took careful experimentation.

(B) Some fullerenes have also been found on theremains of a small meteorite that collided with a spacecraft.

(C) The mineral shungite itself contains largeamounts of carbon, from which the fullerenes apparently formed.

(D) The naturally occurring fullerenesare arranged in a previously unknown crystalline structure.

(E) Shungite itself is formed only underdistinctive conditions.

实验室 f//s

自然界 f//不知道

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-2 23:10:26 | 只看该作者
停下来先别做CR,去认真看看CR BIBLE在 GMAT备考资料有得下载,300多页,看完大有收获
-- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/5/2 21:05:54)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-2 23:13:07 | 只看该作者
这不是因果型结论cause-related  应该是类比题。。。fause-analogy
twenties years ago and again five years ago, the currency is weaken, and the exports increased
so again if we want to increase exports today, the currency should be weaken.

得出这个结论→ 即为了要今天的出口增加 就必须要今天的货币贬值
如果我们需要削弱 就必须说不可比 当两种情况不一样时候才不可比

即为B选项 这不是它因吧偶觉得。。

E 整个就是无关哒。。。大前提就错了 讨论的逻辑链是 【贬值--出口】
without 贬值 就已经跳出这个逻辑链了

104.Although the discountstores in Goreville’s central shopping district are expected to close withinfive years as a result of competition from a SpendLess discount departmentstore that just opened, those locations will not stay vacant for long.In the five years since the openingof Colson’s, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the

location of every store in theshopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson’s.

Whichof the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A)Many customers of Colson’s are expected to do

lessshopping there than they did before the

SpendLessstore opened.

(B) Increasingly, the stores that have opened in the

central shopping district since Colson’s opened

have been discount stores.

(C)At present, the central shopping district has as

manystores operating in it as it ever had.

(D)Over the course of the next fi ve years, it is

expectedthat Goreville’s population will grow at

afaster rate than it has for the past several


(E)Many stores in the central shopping district sell

typesof merchandise that are not available at

eitherSpendLess or Colson’s.


1.    (24179-!-item-!-188;#058&000705)

Although fullerenes--spherical molecules madeentirely of carbon--were first found in the laboratory, they havesince been found in nature, formed in fissures of the rare mineral shungite.  Since laboratory synthesis of fullerenesrequires distinctive conditions of temperature and pressure, this discoveryshould give geologists a test case for evaluating hypotheses about the state ofthe Earth's crust at the time these naturally occurring fullerenes were formed.

Which of the following, if true, most seriouslyundermines the argument?

(A) Confirming that the shungite genuinelycontained fullerenes took careful experimentation.

(B) Some fullerenes have also been found on theremains of a small meteorite that collided with a spacecraft.

(C) The mineral shungite itself contains largeamounts of carbon, from which the fullerenes apparently formed.

(D) The naturally occurring fullerenesare arranged in a previously unknown crystalline structure.

(E) Shungite itself is formed only underdistinctive conditions.

实验室 f//s

自然界 f//不知道

-- by 会员 上邪 (2012/5/2 21:18:57)

看到原文里有in order to,第一反应就当措施推目的做了。。。晕倒。。
发表于 2012-5-2 23:31:22 | 只看该作者
plan-goal也不对 感觉错了
举个例子:currency的weaken有着很多的效果 比如宏观调控国家经济 抑制通货膨胀 增加出口 although currency 的weaken会伴随着经济的小部分衰败 但是某国家In order to 增加出口 仍然plan to weaken currency。 这才是Plan-goal  这个时候B选项也是OK的 反驳plan 说明goal达不到

cause-related;两个fact发生了: 在过去的几年中 货币紧缩了 且 出口增加了 结论: 是紧缩的货币政策导致了出口增加 这个时候B就不行了 这个时候才叫他因法 比如什么国外的市场发展好啊 国内的industry 有效率啊--你选的E选项  等等。 你之所以纠结E我觉得就是划错了类型吧。。。O(∩_∩)O~
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-2 23:38:52 | 只看该作者
plan-goal也不对 感觉错了
举个例子:currency的weaken有着很多的效果 比如宏观调控国家经济 抑制通货膨胀 增加出口 although currency 的weaken会伴随着经济的小部分衰败 但是某国家In order to 增加出口 仍然plan to weaken currency。 这才是Plan-goal  这个时候B选项也是OK的 反驳plan 说明goal达不到

cause-related;两个fact发生了: 在过去的几年中 货币紧缩了 且 出口增加了 结论: 是紧缩的货币政策导致了出口增加 这个时候B就不行了 这个时候才叫他因法 比如什么国外的市场发展好啊 国内的industry 有效率啊 等等。
-- by 会员 上邪 (2012/5/2 23:31:22)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-2 23:41:53 | 只看该作者
plan-goal也不对 感觉错了
举个例子:currency的weaken有着很多的效果 比如宏观调控国家经济 抑制通货膨胀 增加出口 although currency 的weaken会伴随着经济的小部分衰败 但是某国家In order to 增加出口 仍然plan to weaken currency。 这才是Plan-goal  这个时候B选项也是OK的 反驳plan 说明goal达不到

cause-related;两个fact发生了: 在过去的几年中 货币紧缩了 且 出口增加了 结论: 是紧缩的货币政策导致了出口增加 这个时候B就不行了 这个时候才叫他因法 比如什么国外的市场发展好啊 国内的industry 有效率啊--你选的E选项  等等。 你之所以纠结E我觉得就是划错了类型吧。。。O(∩_∩)O~
-- by 会员 上邪 (2012/5/2 23:31:22)

发表于 2012-5-2 23:51:17 | 只看该作者
不是吧我觉得。。无关不无关得看逻辑链 超出promise-conclusion的才是无关 作用于上面的 哪怕内容表面上看起来扯得再远只要有作用那也是选项吖呵呵。。
但是这个题 这两天我正在横向。。额 应该说大部分折中类型的因果型结论都是找她因
比如:志愿者活的长 因此志愿活动导致长寿 ---正确答案就是志愿者都是女人 女人容易长寿
但是比如什么实验的 这种类型的因果型题 :老鼠容易死 同时发现老鼠吃的S比较多 因此是S导致了老鼠死亡 这个时候就可以用有因无果切断因果什么的。
发表于 2012-5-2 23:56:42 | 只看该作者
比如OG那道家具的题 应该是OG的吧 什么观察家发现30年前的家具质量比现在的好 因此过去的工匠的技术比现在工匠的技术好 他因法:好房子不容易踏---因此坏房子都塌光了 留下来的让你看见的都是质量好的 这也是他因法 这就不是因果型结论

还比如GWD那道 滑雪的题 什么几年前小孩子都用木质的滑雪板 现在用铁的 我们发现现在小孩滑雪受伤的比以前的多 结论 铁的比较硬铁的容易伤害小孩
答案就是 现在小孩用铁质滑板滑的地域比以前大---就是说用铁质的人多了。 GWD的答案比较绕。。木有直接告诉你用铁的人多了。。。呵呵 这也是他因法 这就不是因果型
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