因为后一句话是business-labor relations,前一句话中Grayson仅仅只是一个head of a powerful labor unions,并没有牵涉到business,所以架桥补缺An understanding of the needs and problems of labor is the only qualification,对understanding of the needs and problems of business不作要求。正如E所说
14.As an experienced labor organizer and the former head of one of the nation’s most powerful labor unions, Grayson is an excellent choice to chair the new council on business-labor relations. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion above? (A) The new council must have the support of the nation’s labor leaders if it is to succeed. (B) During his years as a labor leader, Grayson established a record of good relations with business leaders. 我被business-labor relations迷惑了,以为选项中一定要有能够说明business的。但是如果他之前没有和business leaders建立关系,并不能说明他担任之后就不能建立好关系,所以不能加强! (C) The chair of the new council must be a person who can communicate directly with the leaders of the nation’s largest labor unions. (D) Most of the other members of the new council will be representatives of business management interests.(E) (E) An understanding of the needs and problems of labor is the only qualification necessary for the job of chairing the new council. 因为他是工会领导,所以他肯定就知道这方面的问题。如果需要了解其他方面的问题,那么他可能就不合适了