看高盛银行的人都在电梯里面讲什么 推特上面有个家伙专门搜集高盛电梯人们说的八卦,然后发上网。找了一些比较搞的出来,顺便翻译了一下。。。 #1: Those who can do, do. Those who can't, work at Morgan Stanley. #1:那些干得了事的,干!干不了的,都去摩根斯坦利了。 #1: The lottery is just a way of taxing poor people who don't know math. #1:乐透彩不过是对那些不懂数学的穷人征税而已 #1: If life's a game, money is how you keep score. #1:如果生命是一场游戏,金钱就是你的算分牌 #1: Magazines dedicate entire issues to 'Women in Business.' #2: How much can you write about secretaries? #2 (to Skirt#1): Kidding. #1:这期杂志花了一整期去讲商界里的女人。#2:秘书有什么好讲的???#2(对后面女生):开玩笑啦。。。 [CLASSIC] #1: Some chick asked me what I would do with 10 million bucks. I told her I'd wonder where the rest of my money went. #1:有些妞问我如果我有一千万会干嘛。我告诉她,我会很不解我别的钱都到哪里去了 #1: Coupon… Food stamps for the middle class. #1:优惠卷是中产阶级的粮票。。。 #1: I love it when someone starts a sentence with 'When I was at Goldman Sachs'... Well, you aren't at Goldman Sachs now, cocksucker. #1:我是真心喜欢听到某些人开口就说:当我还在高盛的时候。。。好吧,你现在在哪里哦? #1: Know the difference between a buy-side and a sell-side guy? The buy-side guy says 'Fuck you' before they hang up the phone. #1:知道买方和卖方的区别吗?买方的家伙挂电话前都说操你妈。
隐藏内容, 需要回复可见 -- by 会员 HedgeNews (2012/4/14 10:28:26)
wanna see what do GS guys say in lift. |