Going to apply for 2004 fall.
Gmat:750 Toefl: 643 GPA: Amazingly low( around 2.3,ranking top 25%,Kind of like that). Graduated from a top enginering school in China 8 years ago. The grading policy is so strict that nobody,I guess, in my class could possibly have reached 3.1 or 3.2 on GPA. Age and: About 30, male. WE: 8 years in IT industry.Used to be the country manager of a small US IT company(fortune 1000). Extra: Not very much.
Target schools(not decided): HBS, MIT,Kellogg,Chicago or Dartmouth, Virginia,Yale, Austin, Emory.
Am I too old for HBS? I know they like young guys.
Any advice? Thanks in advance.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-6-24 11:58:24编辑过] |