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[罗技] 肆月贰日罗技太太乐整理(共143只,更新:5/4 10:30)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-15 13:37:36 | 只看该作者

12.    (24967-!-item-!-188;#058&001893)

Situation:  For five years the Souper restaurant chain has maintained rapid sales growth in Danport, primarily by opening new restaurants that draw patrons away from other restaurants in their vicinity.

Goal:  Souper wishes to achieve continued rapid sales growth in Danport over the next two years.

Proposal for consideration:  Continue to open new restaurants in Danport during the next two years at the same rate as in the last two years.

In light of the situation, which of the following, if true, most strongly argues that adopting the proposal would be an ineffective way of achieving the goal?

(A) At times at which customers find Souper restaurants too crowded, they often go to other restaurants nearby.
(B) The Souper chain has generally opened new restaurants in locations that are in the vicinity of a large number of other restaurants.
(C) Souper restaurants generally offer a much smaller variety of foods than many of the other restaurants in their vicinity.
(D) Virtually all potential sites for new Souper restaurants in Danport are located in the vicinity of existing Souper restaurants.
(E) Souper restaurants have always offered meals that are somewhat less expensive than meals at restaurants that compete with Souper for patrons.

-- by 会员 qiaodazuo (2012/4/14 20:48:54)

发表于 2012-4-15 13:40:40 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-15 14:36:41 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 橙色的鱼 (2012/4/15 13:40:40)

发表于 2012-4-15 15:09:24 | 只看该作者

12.    (24967-!-item-!-188;#058&001893)

Situation:  For five years the Souper restaurant chain has maintained rapid sales growth in Danport, primarily by opening new restaurants that draw patrons away from other restaurants in their vicinity.

Goal:  Souper wishes to achieve continued rapid sales growth in Danport over the next two years.

Proposal for consideration:  Continue to open new restaurants in Danport during the next two years at the same rate as in the last two years.

In light of the situation, which of the following, if true, most strongly argues that adopting the proposal would be an ineffective way of achieving the goal?

(A) At times at which customers find Souper restaurants too crowded, they often go to other restaurants nearby.
(B) The Souper chain has generally opened new restaurants in locations that are in the vicinity of a large number of other restaurants.
(C) Souper restaurants generally offer a much smaller variety of foods than many of the other restaurants in their vicinity.
(D) Virtually all potential sites for new Souper restaurants in Danport are located in the vicinity of existing Souper restaurants.
(E) Souper restaurants have always offered meals that are somewhat less expensive than meals at restaurants that compete with Souper for patrons.

-- by 会员 qiaodazuo (2012/4/14 20:48:54)

-- by 会员 天边的小猪 (2012/4/15 13:37:36)

发表于 2012-4-15 15:27:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-4-15 15:29:03 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-15 18:04:30 | 只看该作者

12.    (24967-!-item-!-188;#058&001893)

Situation:  For five years the Souper restaurant chain has maintained rapid sales growth in Danport, primarily by opening new restaurants that draw patrons away from other restaurants in their vicinity.

Goal:  Souper wishes to achieve continued rapid sales growth in Danport over the next two years.

Proposal for consideration:  Continue to open new restaurants in Danport during the next two years at the same rate as in the last two years.

In light of the situation, which of the following, if true, most strongly argues that adopting the proposal would be an ineffective way of achieving the goal?

(A) At times at which customers find Souper restaurants too crowded, they often go to other restaurants nearby.
(B) The Souper chain has generally opened new restaurants in locations that are in the vicinity of a large number of other restaurants.
(C) Souper restaurants generally offer a much smaller variety of foods than many of the other restaurants in their vicinity.
(D) Virtually all potential sites for new Souper restaurants in Danport are located in the vicinity of existing Souper restaurants.
(E) Souper restaurants have always offered meals that are somewhat less expensive than meals at restaurants that compete with Souper for patrons.

-- by 会员 qiaodazuo (2012/4/14 20:48:54)

注意啦!!这条考古已被狗主确认咯~~~狗主说“很题干相像,出题点也挺像的,但是有个别选项还是不太一样,不过正确答案都一样,都是能开分店的地方已经开满自家的店了,所以不能通过开分店的方式赚更多钱 。(就是有potential的那个选项是正确选项)
发表于 2012-4-15 21:08:44 | 只看该作者
4月8日的那道考古题:小孩在做在车子前面比后面危险。小孩带保险带比不带危险。但小孩在后面一般不喜欢带安全带。 因此提倡小孩做后面。削弱的体型。我选了C。即使:小孩如果做后面,他不带安全带的话,未必比坐在前面带安全带安全。

发表于 2012-4-15 21:16:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-4-15 21:51:31 | 只看该作者
考了逻辑几经里面第16题,第18题,第27题,第32题,这几题题目几经里描述的很全。还考到了第28题,就是GWD的变体。考试时注意看了下。题目没变,就是最后一句话变了。GWD最后一句说的是Gortland will soon have to import either grain or meat or both. 我考的变体的最后一句是Gortland will soon have to import grain. 问的是假设,我选的答案是进口肉不能满足Gortland对肉的需求。
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