OG 105题目如下:
105. An inventory equal to 90 days sales is as much as even the strongest businesses carry, and then only as a way to anticipate higher prices or ensure against shortages.
(A) as much as even
(B) so much as even
(C) even so much as
(D) even as much that
(E) even so much that
正确选项A没问题。可偶对OG中的解释:In choices C, D, and E,
even is misplaced so that it no longer clearly modifies the strongest businesses不太明白.even修饰the strongest business 是对的,可如果把even提前,改成an inventory equal to 90 days sales is even as much as the strongest business carry觉得读起来也挺顺的,好像也没错的说。。。
虽然没有这个选项,可偶对even的用法比较糊涂,总是跟着感觉走 ,还请大家帮忙讲讲even的用法,为什么og说even is misplaced ....。感谢感谢!
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-18 19:38:30编辑过] |