GWD 8-14 请教一下,我想了很久没有明白,请大家帮我看看 Q14 Studies in restaurants show the tips left by customers who pay their bill in cash tend to be larger when the bill is presented on a tray that bears a credit-card logo. Consumer psychologists hypothesize that simply seeming a credit-card logo make many credit-card holders willing to spend more because it reminds them that their spending power exceeds the cash they have immediately available. Which of the following, if true, most strongly support the psychologists’ interpretation of the studies? A. The effect noted in the studies is not limited to patrons who have credit cards. B.   atrons who are under financial pressure from their credit-card obligations tends to tip less when presented with a restaurant bill on a tray with credit-card logo than when the tray has no logo. C. In virtually all of the cases in the studies ,the patrons who paid in cash did not possess credit cards. D. In general, restaurant patrons who pay their bill in cash leave larger tips than do those who pay by credit card. E. The percentage of restaurant bills paid with given brand of credit increases when that credit card’s logo is displayed on the tray with which the bill is prepared. Ans: 为什么是B啊tends to tip less……than when the tray has no logo.这和原文结论不是正好相反吗? |