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- 1970-1-1
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4'51'' -- a popular theory is that we only use small part of our brain. But our brain costs so much energy and there is no reason for us to carry the useless part. and after the scan, we find out that most of the part in our brain is working even when we are doing something simple. But sure, we do have some reserves, and that is why someone suffered the diseases but the brain is still working.
People can remember the most dramatic event....give some examples. but in the expriment, the most vivid memories could fade with time and some people will add something new to the memory.
it is true that with the age grows, some functions of the brain does not work better than young people, but still some parts of the brain in the old adults of are better than that in the young people.
besides the five senses, we have other ways to sense the world. Surprisingly, for some areas, human being cannot compete with animals. give some examples......
we often compare our brain to something, but our brain does not fit it in every part of it. for example, our brain does not just take the input directly, since we interpret information.
for a long time, we have been thinking that our brain are electrical ciruits. there is some truth. However, the most great find in the past 10 years is that our brain is plastic. then give some examples...
give a background of losing memories. then talk about the the forms of amnesia. then give the example.
what to make us happy? sometimes we overstmate something can bring happiness and for other time we underestimate something will bring the satisfaction. give examples...
we are not just receving information, since we are looking for what fits our expectatoin. it is not bottom-up, but top down.
the brain of men and women are difference? surely there is some differences, but most of it are from the biase we have.
bias makes some results. actually, the brain of men and women are overlapping for most of the parts!
1. 引子
2. 背景 -- 讨论HM的HBP计划
3. 继续介绍背景
4. HM介绍自己想法的由来
5. 其他科学家的反应
6. 引用RD的话来说一个反对的声音的理由
7. M没有被震慑住,坚持自己的想法
8/9/10. 介绍HM的背景
11. 提到他的疑惑
12. 通过这个疑惑,他开始构思整合新发现这个想法
13. 其实M的想法并不是新的,但是确实是野心更大的一个 -- 讲和以往操作方法的不同
14. 继续讲M的推理
15. M的想法得到PA的支持
16. M已经开始实践自己的想法 -- 介绍这个实践
17. 截止到2005,M团队的成果
18. 已经出成果了
19. 讲终极目标,2009年是一个转折点,钱到位了;
20. 讲了HM的愿景