Critic: Film attendance is at an all time low. Attendance peaked in the mid-1940's, when producers made films that were much less violent than are films made today. Clearly, the public is showing its disapproval of today's more violent films by simply resfusing to view them. Each of following, if true, weakens the critic's argument EXPECT: 1.of the 50 films made last year that had the lowest attendance, almost all had little or no violence. 2.screenings of films made decades ago attract more viewers than do screenings of current films. 3.when rentals of videotape films are counted, violent films are attracting many more paying viewers than they did in earlier years. 4.the price of a film ticket, after adjusting for inflation, is significantly higher now than it was in the mid-1940's. 5.violent films shown on television have consistently attracted large audiences ever since such films became available on television.
I choose 4 since only 4 descibe a fact taht is irrelevent to the argument, whereas every other choices give an explanation to the decrease of today's film attendance.
conclusion: the public is showing its disapproval of today's more violent films by simply resfusing to view them. evidence: 1)Film attendance is at an all time low, while attendance was peaked in the mid-1940's. 2)producers made films that were much less violent in the mid-1940's than are films made today.
Chioce 2, which states that more attendence are attracted when showing old films than when showing current films, indicates that people like more of old films ( films made decades) than today films that are much more violent. Although chioce 2 doesn't mention the reason why more attendence are attracted by old films, it provides additional evidence for the conclusion as well as supports the evidence 1.
In this argument the conclusion is high violent, low attendance. But in choice 2 only mention screening of the film instead of being violent in the argument .So i regard choice 2 as irrevelant , not as weakening.
"In this argument the conclusion is low violent, low ."
should be" high violent, low attendance " .
"But in choice 2 only mention screening of the film instead of being violent in the argument"
choice 2 compares attendance of showing films made decades ago with that of showing films made today. Do the films made in the mid-1940's belong to films made decades ago?