以下是引用epithumia在2004-9-14 10:56:00的发言:I think that (D) is not an assumption. (D) is used to weaken the assumption of this argument. The assumption of this argument is that readers of House magazine can be used as a sample to represent the need of all people. However, there is no evidence to show that those readers can fully represent other people. In fact, it is highly possible that only 50% or less people as a whole want to buy a second house and thus current supply will be enough to meet the demand, making it unprofitable to invest in real estate. So, the weakness of this argument is that people who read House magazine and hence accept the survey will be more likely to show that they want to buy a second house because that is why they read House magazine! 精辟的解释! D指出是因为读house magazine的reader本来就比其他人更多的关注house才去读house magazine,而买第二套房子的意愿自然也会比不读house magazine的人更强烈些。因此这一人群中打算买第二套房子的高比例不具普遍代表性。削弱了论据。
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