草。我看到read physics的时候心里一愣。然后开始查字典。发现british English的确有这个用法。还是要多学习。美本在此惭愧了。 我觉得楼主必须来美国。用您的native british accent泡美国白妹。一泡一个准。 READ: chiefly Brit.study (an academic subject) at a university: I'm reading English at Cambridge | [ no obj. ] : he went to Manchester to read for a BA in Economics. -- by 会员 elvisxiyu (2012/2/21 7:46:50)
In the British academic hierarchy, phDs need to stay as a research fellow for at least 8 years to be promoted to professors.
phDs -> postdoc fellow -> lecturer -> senior lecturer -> Reader -> Professor.
The use of "read or reading" comes from this. |