楼主的英语写作很一般阿,“reading physics in top 2 schools in the UK”,看到这句想笑了,无数chinese english的表达,拼写错误很多。 -- by 会员 phayllia (2012/2/20 9:33:50)
非常强烈的同感。上海市重点中学一大半的学生不会出这样的错误.... -- by 会员 premsf (2012/2/20 9:59:48)
I am sorry. I didn't have a chance to proofread. The aim of this article is to help people to get into this programme in the future. By the way, I got offers from both Goldman Sachs IBD and Private Equity Group. I have a native British ascent, which is my advantage. -- by 会员 mc2317 (2012/2/20 10:13:00)
LZ大可不必理会这些人, Princeton MFin证明了一切, 相信次贴定会给学弟学妹门带来很大帮助 所以LZ say no to GS了? |