以下是引用albert在2003-6-18 11:18:00的发言: 10. Auto industry executive: Statistics show that cars that were built smaller after 1977 to make them more fuel-efficient had a higher incidence of accident-related fatalities than did their earlier larger counterparts. For this reason we oppose recent guidelines that would require us to produce cars with higher fuel efficiency. Executive: 原因: 在1977年后,为了省油, 汽车建的比以前小, 后果是这种汽车比前的大汽车有更高的事故死亡率. 结论: 因此, 我们不应造高节油汽车,(这样可以避免高的事故死亡率)
因为此题一个隐含前提是: 要想节油, 汽车必需小. C选项提出现在的计算机化供油系统可以使大的汽车也很省油, 因此反驳了EXECUTIVE 的 结论成立的前提.