122. (26360-!-item-!-188;#058&001881) (GWD 1-Q40)
Until now, only injectable vaccines against influenza have been available.  
arents are reluctant to subject children to the pain of injections, but adults, who are at risk of serious complications from influenza, are commonly vaccinated. A new influenza vaccine, administered painlessly in a nasal spray, is effective for children. However, since children seldom develop serious complications from influenza, no significant public health benefit would result from widespread vaccination of children using the nasal spray.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Any person who has received the injectable vaccine can safely receive the nasal-spray vaccine as well.
B. The new vaccine uses the same mechanism to ward off influenza as injectable vaccines do.
C. The injectable vaccine is affordable for all adults.
D. Adults do not contract influenza primarily from children who have influenza.
E. The nasal spray vaccine is not effective when administered to adults.
这道题我认为应该选E啊,答案是D,可是题目已经说了大人不会从小孩哪里感染因为大人只会从COMPLICATIONS中感染,而小孩不会发展处COMPLICATIONS--而E选项就排除了大人可以用nasal来预防流感,因为大人可用Nasal spray的话,这个也是可能会带来significant results的,各位大牛帮忙看看这两道题啊!!!感激不尽!!!
-- by 会员 米米时代007 (2012/2/6 11:57:04)
The conclusion of the passage is:
No significant public health benefit would result from widespread vaccination of children using the nasal spray.
This is a necessary assumption question. Use negation.
If you negate E), you have:
The nasal spray vaccine
IS effective when administered to adults.
If so, does the conclusion still holds? Yes. The conclusion does not care about vaccination of adults.
On the other hand, if you negate D), you have:
do contract influenza primarily from children who have influenza.
If this is the case, then vaccination of children would prevent the adults from catching the disease. Does the conclusion still holds? No. Bingo. D) is the necessary assumption.
-- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2012/2/6 22:47:33)