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Vervet monkeys use different alarm calls to warn each other of nearby predators, depending on whether the danger comes from land or from the air. Which one of the following, if true, contributes most to an explanation of the behavior of vervet monkeys described above? 解释为什么猴子会用不同的方式来发出警报,其目的是什么?是否有效?
(A) By varying the pitch of its alarm call, a vervet monkey can indicate the number of predators approaching.
The number of predators is outside the scope of the argument. (B) Different land-based predators are responsible for different numbers of vervet monkey deaths.
It cannot explain the behavior of vervet monkeys described above. (C) No predators that pose a danger to vervet monkeys can attack both from land and from the air.
Yes, in this case, it makes the behaviors of vervet monkeys more reasonable. BA
不能解释为什么猴子会采用不同的警报方式! (D) Vervet monkeys avoid land-based predators by climbing trees but avoid predation from the air by diving into foliage.
This answer gives the specific actions of vervet monkeys to avoid predators. But it cannot explain the behaviors.
有效地解释了采取不同的方式能够避免袭击! (E) Certain land-based predators feed only on vervet monkeys, whereas every predator that attacks vervet monkeys from the air feeds on many different animals.
The comparison between land-based predators and air-based predators are irrelevant.
109. (30048-!-item-!-188;#058&004735) (GWD 29-Q27 different type) Though sucking zinc lozenges has been promoted as a treatment for the common cold, research has revealed no consistent effect. Recently, however, a zinc gel applied nasally has been shown to greatly reduce the duration of colds. Since the gel contains zinc in the same form and concentration as the lozenges, the greater effectiveness of the gel must be due to the fact that cold viruses tend to concentrate in the nose, not the mouth. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. Experimental subjects who used the zinc gel not only had colds of shorter duration but also had less severe symptoms than did those who used a gel that did not contain zinc.
A gel that did not contain zinc is irrelevant. B. The mechanism by which zinc affects the viruses that cause the common cold has not been conclusively established.
But from the argument, we can know the gel contains zinc has been shown to greatly reduce the duration of colds. C. To make them palatable, zinc lozenges generally contain other ingredients, such as citric acid, that can interfere with the chemical activity of zinc.
In this case, it points out another factor that can resolve the difference the result of the two medicines, thus weakening the argument. BA D. No zinc-based cold remedy can have any effect unless it is taken or applied within 48 hours of the initial onset of cold symptoms.
But we know that the gel contains zinc is effective. E. Drug-company researchers experimenting with a nasal spray based on zinc have found that it has much the same effect on colds as the gel does.
The comparison between a nasal spray based on zinc and the gel is outside the scope of the argument.
110. (30658-!-item-!-188;#058&005491) (GWD 7-Q17) Of patients over 65 years old who survived coronary bypass surgery—a procedure widely prescribed for people with heart disease—only 75 percent benefited from the surgery. Thus it appears that for one in four such patients, the doctors who advised them to undergo this surgery, with its attendant risks and expense, were more interested in an opportunity to practice their skills and in their fee than in helping the patient. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?
A. Many of the patients who receive coronary bypass surgery are less than 55 years old.
Patients who are less than 55 years old are outside the scope of the argument. B. Possible benefits of coronary bypass surgery include both relief from troubling symptoms and prolongation of life.
The possible benefits of coronary bypass surgery are irrelevant. C. Most of the patients in the survey decided to undergo coronary bypass surgery because they were advised that the surgery would reduce their risk of future heart attacks.
It cannot weaken the argument. D. The patients over 65 years old who did not benefit from the coronary bypass surgery were as fully informed as those who did benefit from the surgery as to the risks of the surgery prior to undergoing it.
It seems to be a contender. Even though they are fully informed, this answer choice cannot weaken the argument. E. The patients who underwent coronary bypass surgery but who did not benefit from it were medically indistinguishable, prior to their surgery, from the patients who did benefit.
Since they cannot be distinguished, the answer choice cast doubt on the argument. BA
111. (30514-!-item-!-188;#058&005454) (GWD 30-Q27 different type) Personnel officer: The exorbitant cost of our health-insurance benefits reflects the high dollar amount of medical expenses incurred by our employees. Employees who are out of shape, as a group, have higher doctor bills and longer hospital stays than do their colleagues who are fit. Therefore, since we must reduce our health-insurance costs, we should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weight lifting to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate. Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the personnel officer's proposal?
A. The medical expenses incurred by fit people who participate in a program of jogging and weight lifting are less than those incurred by fit people who do not participate in such a program.
At first glance, this answer choice seems to be irrelevant. However, a more thorough analysis reveals that the fitness program can benefit fit people, thus reducing the medical expenses. BA B. More otherwise fit people are injured by participating in rigorous jogging and weight-lifting programs than are injured by participating in moderate jogging and weight-lifting programs.
Actually, this answer choice weakens the argument. C. The likelihood of incurring medical expenses is slightly greater for people who participate in fitness programs offered by their employers than it is for people who participate in programs offered commercially.
The same to B. D. Moderate fitness programs increase the average person's fitness to the same extent that rigorous fitness programs do.
It seems to be a contender. However, moderate fitness programs are irrelevant. Besides, why does not the company offer a moderate fitness programs to its employees? E. More health problems and injuries are the result of mandatory participation in a fitness program than are the result of voluntary participation.
The same to B.
112. (32826-!-item-!-188;#058&006832) (GWD 8-Q38) Unless tiger hunting decreases, tigers will soon be extinct in the wild. The countries in which the tigers' habitats are located are currently debating joint legislation that would ban tiger hunting. Thus, if these countries can successfully enforce this legislation, the survival of tigers in the wild will be ensured. The reasoning in the argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that the argument 这是削弱题
A. assumes without sufficient warrant that a ban on tiger hunting could be successfully enforced
The conclusion has pointed out that “if these countries can successfully enforce this legislation”, so there is no need to consider whether it will succeed. B. considers the effects of hunting on tigers without also considering the effects of hunting on other endangered animal species
Other endangered animal species are outside the scope of the argument. C. fails to take into account how often tiger hunters are unsuccessful in their attempts to kill tigers
This answer choice is irrelevant. D. neglects to consider the results of governmental attempts in the past to limit tiger hunting
The results of government attempts in the past to limit tiger hunting are outside the scope of the argument. E. takes the removal of an impediment to the tigers' survival as a guarantee of their survival
Yes, in this case, legislation is only one factor can influence the survival of tigers, and there are many other factors, such as illness, food, or land. So this answer choice points out the problem of the reasoning. BA