呵呵,终于有人排砖了。 既然原命题和逆否命题是等价的,为什么逆否命题不能用于判断呢?你说我说的不对,那A的逆否命题应该是什么? OK,用DENY TEST A 不能读书---〉不能阻止 任何人犯罪 DENY TEST 不能读书---〉可以阻止 一些人犯罪。 这与author的论点正好是相反地吧。 C. It should be C. A simple test: A indicates that taking the courses has no impact on reducing crime rate. This is apparent opposite to the argument, in which the author is trying to say that by denying the access to such courses, the governor will not achieve his goal of reducing crime rate, indicating that taking the courses help reduce the crime rate C says "...inmates who chose to take courses were not already less likely ... to commit crimes after being released." Deny C, we get "...inmates who chose to take college-level courses were already less likely... to commit crimes after being released." In other words, denying them course will not lead to more crimes by them after release. This directly contradicts the author’s LoR and cause the argument to fall apart. So, C is a necessary assumption of the author. 黄线部分是C取非后的意思-----选课的同志在释放后犯罪的几率小,那这是不是正是author的观点呢,如果一个命题取非后符合author的推理,那它的原命题怎么可能是假设呢? xiang wo kai pao -- by 会员 ztlbox (2004/8/25 0:05:00)
我认为这样解释A是最好的。![](/static/legacy-emoticon/0.gif) |