28、【GNP定义】 给了一个definition:GNP,就是一年所有employee的单位产出乘以工作的时间的最终产量;Factor one:percentage of employees of available workforce is unlikely to increase for this year;Factor two: 效率,就是每小时每个员工的产出is unlikely to increase for this year. conclusion:it is unlikely that the GNP for this year will exceed last year. 问选项里哪个和definition,factor1&2结合,能支持conclusion的。 选项一:the total number of workforce this year is unlikely to increase this year; 选项二:there is unlikely多/少employees will retire from the current workforce. 狗主选项:第二个 By 围裙姐姐(710,M50,V36)
28、【GNP定义】 给了一个definition:GNP,就是一年所有employee的单位产出乘以工作的时间的最终产量;Factor one:percentage of employees of available workforce is unlikely to increase for this year;Factor two: 效率,就是每小时每个员工的产出is unlikely to increase for this year. conclusion:it is unlikely that the GNP for this year will exceed last year. 问选项里哪个和definition,factor1&2结合,能支持conclusion的。 选项一:the total number of workforce this year is unlikely to increase this year; 选项二:there is unlikely多/少employees will retire from the current workforce. 狗主选项:第二个 By 围裙姐姐(710,M50,V36)