语法:这个是我比较花时间的一部分。我认为XDF的语法教材比较绝对,比如there be结构一定错什么的,PREP里就有there be 句型的比较。准备初期推荐大家看曼哈顿,虽然有点多但是更权威,第一遍做OG的时候可以结合李希强的总结来看,里面比较详细的解释了错误点和优先顺序级,再做其它材料(尤其PREP)如遇问题建议上Manhattan论坛看Roe等人的解释,他们作为native speaker 讲师已经对GMAC的出题思路了如指掌,而且可以把细小的差别讲的很到位(比如in that和because of在意思上的区别,more and more littering 和littering more and more的区别等等)。语法的出题点比较容易分类,平行、词汇简洁、逻辑含义、句子重心等,这些在PREP语法笔记里面有详细解释,大家一定好好利用这个资料。
阅读:首先是词汇量的问题,如我在回复里说的,有些抽象名词的确可以用首字母提炼,但是动词和形容词真的会给做题带来重要提示。如果备考时间充裕,建议把托福和GMAT词汇都背了,反正迟早都要考。其次推荐使用小安阅读法,帮助你解决以下问题:(1)如何预测出题点,(2)知道哪里详读哪里略读,(3)了解文章套路,掌握如何根据GMAC思路解题。这样你就会知道为什么reconcile two contrast views 这样的表述降格等等。小安根据准备的不同阶段有不同的总结方法并且有例题示范,非常详细,大家可以去下载我就不赘述了。另外建议:(1)尽量少用纸版,(2)尽量不写草稿,掌握套路思维方法以后完全可以做到这点,而且在平时可以锻炼自己做完题后写全文思路,就像写寂静,(3)阅读寂静也很重要,考前尽可能看一下。
逻辑:到后来觉得逻辑主要考的是论据有问题(比如在试验前就有影响结果的倾向)或者他因(比如是整体经济变好了不是促销手段有效)。要锻炼GMAC的思维方式真的需要自己多揣摩+总结,别人替不了。比较推荐高老师的解题方法,附在下面大家可以下载。另外,我认为做逻辑的时候一些时间词、形容词要引起注意,有时候是破题点。尤其GWD里面一些难题,正选看起来非常“恶心”,第一次做的时候非常容易当无关选项马上排除,殊不知里面暗藏玄机。举一例。A major chemical spill occurred five years ago at Baker’s Beach, the world’s sole nesting ground for Merrick sea turtles, and prevented nearly all the eggs laid that year from hatching. Yet the number of adult female Merricks returning to lay their eggs at Baker’s Beach has actually increased somewhat since five years ago. Clearly, environmentalists’ prediction that the world’s Merrick population would decline as a result of the spill has proven unfounded. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument offered in refutation of the environmentalists’ prediction? The chemical spill five years ago occurred at a time when there were neither Merrick sea turtles nor Merrick sea turtle eggs on Baker’s Beach. A. Female Merrick sea turtles begin returning to Baker’s Beach to lay their eggs when they are ten years old. B. Under normal conditions, only a small proportion of hatchling female Merrick sea turtles survive in the ocean until adulthood and return to lay their eggs at Baker’s Beach. C. Environmental pressures unrelated to the chemical spill have caused a significant decline in the population of one of the several species of sea birds that prey on Merrick sea turtle eggs. D. After the chemical spill, an environmental group rejected a proposal to increase the Merrick sea turtle population by transferring eggs from Baker’s Beach to nearby beaches that had not been affected by the spill 正选是A对环境学家攻击的言论站不住脚,是因为用了当前海龟回归增加的事实.而A说母海龟10岁才回来下蛋,说明这批已经是10岁的乌龟.至于五年前的污染对孵蛋造成的影响,其实还没表现出来.用这个事实来抨击环境学家的预测是没有根据的!A选项把论述,答案里5年,10年的条件全部用上了.充分把握出题人的用意.