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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季【2-4】

发表于 2011-12-16 17:11:25 | 只看该作者
According to the theory of continental drift, many of today's seperate continents were part of a single landmass.The broken part and ocean water filled the newly created chasms. It is hypothesizd that South America was once joined on its east coast with what is now the west coast of Africa.
(A) A large band of ancient rock of a rare type along the east coast of South America is of
the same type as a band on the west coast of Africa. -support
(B) Many people today living in Brazil are genetically quite similar to many western Africans.
-irrelevant (People live there)
(C) The climates of western Africa and of the east coast of South America resemble each other.
-irrelevant (climate)
(D) Some of the oldest tribes of people living in eastern South America speak languages linguistically similar to various languages spoken by certain western African peoples. -irrelevant (language)
(E) Several species of plants found in western Africa closely resemble plants growing in South America. -irrelevant
发表于 2011-12-16 18:39:58 | 只看该作者
21. 40s-support
Film director: Although certain characters and the plot twists in our film are similar to those in T, we don't take the idea from T. The reason is that all the production work has been completed before T's release.

22. 66s-weaken
Some enviromentalists claim that the use of Herbicides threathens the population of P. But tests show that no more than trace quantities of herbicides in P on herbicide-treatet land.Therefore, something other than herbicide use must be responsible for the population decrease.
Prephase: The herbicides have been digested by P and changed into another substance.

23. 66s- BF

24. 47s-support
SV40 is a contributing cause of M, because 60% of the sample contains SV40. In 1960, some vaccines are contaminated with SV40. Therefore, researchers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in M decades later.
发表于 2011-12-19 00:42:47 | 只看该作者
1/Background: in prehistoric times, today’s separate continents were part of a single huge landmass.
Premise: it is hypothesized that South America was once joined on its east coast with what is now the west coast of Africa.
Prephrase: some animals living in South America east coast and in Africa west coast share the same ancestors, or the animal fossils unearthed respectively in South America east coast and Africa west coast are same.
A: the band of ancient rock of a rare type shows a strong connection of the two continents.
B: people’s similarity, no
C: climate similarity, irrelevant
D: tribes similarity, no
E:plants’ similarity, may due to the similar climate or planted by human.
2/Background: the film BH has some similarities with the film T in characters and plot. Based on the similarities of the two films, the film studio of film T accused the director of stealing ideas from the film T.
Premise: since film BH was completed months before film T was released, the accusation does not stand up to scrutiny.
Prephrase: the two films adapted a same novel.
A: weakens the rejection
B: the similarities are normal, and they have existed in many previous film of the same genre.
C: irrelevant
D: weakens the rejection
E: irrelevant
3/Background: because herbicides enable cereal crops to grow effectively, herbicide then is used widespread, at the same time, the partridge populations decrease. These birds live in and around cereal crop fields.
Premise: environmentalists claim that herbicides poisons partridges, however, tests show no more than trace quantities of herbicides in partridges on herbicide-treated land, so something others should be responsible for the population decrease.
Prephrase: herbicides make the food of partridges less than past.
A: it is the herbicides which make the insects less for partridges.
B: irrelevant
C: irrelevant
D: it does not give an explaination
E: it only gives a fact
4/Background: a product with advanced technology can command a high price. When a product has technological advances over the competitors, the producer tend to charge the maximum possible price for such a product.
Premise: as the technological advances surpassed fast and the competitors can quickly match the new products’ capabilities, the best way is to charge the new products with a price less than the greatest possible price.
A: not counterproductive
B: not recommend
C: right
D: not justify
E: not justify
Background: researchers found that the SV40 might be a contributing cause of M cancer. in 1960, some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus.
Premise: it is hypothesized that the vaccine was the source of the virus found in M cancer decades later.
Prephrase: most people who got the contaminated vaccine has caught M cancer. Those who got the uncontaminated vaccine are healthy.
A: irrelevant
B: irrelevant
C: it shows no connects with the M cancer.
D: irrelevant
E: uncontaminated vaccine, no M cancer, it justifies the argument from the opposite side.
发表于 2012-6-7 15:52:15 | 只看该作者
1.West coast of Africa is seperate with east coast of south American.
Same species of amimals and greenplant.
The coastline match together.

(A) A large band of ancient rock of a rare type
along the east coast of South America is of
the same type as a band on the west coast of
(B) Many people today living in Brazil are
genetically quite similar to many western
(C) The climates of western Africa and of the east
coast of South America resemble each other.
(D) Some of the oldest tribes of people living in
eastern South America speak languages
linguistically similar to various languages
spoken by certain western African peoples.
(E) Several species of plants found in western
Africa closely resemble plants growing in
South America.

All the works on The Big Heist never got any information from Thieves.

(A) Before Thieves began production, its script had been circulating for several years among various film studios, including the studio that produced The Big Heist.
(B) The characters and plot twists that are most similar in the two films have close parallels in many earlier films of the same genre.
(C) The film studio that produced Thieves seldom produces films in this genre.
(D) The director of Thieves worked with the director of The Big Heist on several earlier projects.
(E) The time it took to produce The Big Heist was considerably shorter than the time it took to produce Thieves.

3 Not herbicide cause   decrease.
presume will eat cereal crops.

(A) The elimination of certain weeds from cereal crop fields has reduced the population of the small insects that live on those weeds and that form a major part of partridge chicks' diet.
(B) Since partridges are valued as game birds, records of their population are more carefully kept than those for many other birds.
(C) Some of the weeds that are eliminated from cereal crop fields by herbicides are much smaller than the crop plants themselves and would have no negative effect on crop yield if they were allowed to grow.
(D) Birds other than partridges that live in or around cereal crop fields have also been suffering population declines.
(E) The toxins contained in herbicides typically used on cereal crops can be readily identified in the tissues of animals that have ingested them.


(A) The first is a consideration that has been raised to argue that a certain strategy is counterproductive; the second presents that strategy.

(B) The first is a consideration raised to support the strategy that the argument recommends; the second presents that strategy.
(C) The first is a consideration raised to explain the appeal of a certain strategy; the second presents that strategy.

(D) The first is an assumption, rejected by the argument, that has been used to justify a course of action; the second presents that course of action.

(E) The first is a consideration that has been used to justify pursuing a goal that the argument rejects; the second presents a course of action that has been adopted in pursuit of that goal.


(A) SV40 is widely used as a research tool in cancer laboratories.
(B) Changes in the technique of manufacturing the vaccine now prevent contamination with SV40.
(C) Recently discovered samples of the vaccine dating from 1960 still show traces of the virus.
(D) In a small percentage of cases of mesothelioma, there is no history of exposure to asbestos.
(E) In Finland, where the polio vaccine was never contaminated, samples from mesotheliomas do not contain SV40.
发表于 2012-9-15 18:47:09 | 只看该作者
Time: 36’
Background Information: According to CD, in prehistory time, today’s separate continents were part of a single huge landmass. As landmass moved, the mass broke apart, and ocean filled in.
Premises: ?
Conclusion: SA was once joined on west coast of Africa.
Prephrase: ?
Time: 32’
Background Information: H allows CC to grow efficiently. In B, P decreased since H was used. P was poisoned by H because it lives near CC.
Premises: No more trace quantities of H in P on land.
Conclusion: Other H must be the cause.
A-----right weaken
Time: 36’

发表于 2012-10-27 09:07:04 | 只看该作者
求FOX解答 为什么23的E选项不对呢 它不也是一种justify吗?
发表于 2012-10-27 09:09:19 | 只看该作者
PRE:plate move ,mass broke apart,ocean water filled
CON:an example
可能方向:支持该理论的实例 我选择A
可能方向:证明B在T上映前没受过其影响 我选择B
可能方向:证明就是除草剂导致的  我选择A
BG: 有技术优势的产品可以要高价
我选择:E 正解:C
错误分析:**不太理解 坐等大牛指点
可能方向:p引起m病证据 我选择E
发表于 2013-3-7 15:56:34 | 只看该作者
conclusion:the am was once connected to af
background: seperate land used to the whole landmass
rephrase: some identical feature about af and am used to be together
发表于 2013-3-7 16:13:20 | 只看该作者
premise: big is completed earlier than the t
conclusion: director was not imitating t
rephrase: both b and t are imitating the former films
premise: no trace pesticide found in p
conclusion: p decline is caused by other factors than the pesticide
rephrase:maybe small amount of pesticide is enough to kill the birds
background: sv is relevant to cancer
       sample all found sv
premise: vacuum once infected with sv
conclusion: the infected vacuumn is responsible for the cancer
rephrase: vacuum without infection will not lead to cancer
发表于 2013-9-23 20:09:39 | 只看该作者
1. 26'
BG: many of today’s separate continents were part of a single huge landmass. As the plates on which this landmass rested began to move, the mass broke apart, and ocean water filled the newly created chasms.
HYPOTHESIZED: South America was once joined on its east coast with what is now the west coast of Africa.
SUPPORT: some evidence to support the together of South America and the Africa
(A) A large band of ancient rock of a rare type along the east coast of South America is of the same type as a band on the west coast of Africa.----------CORRECT. give some evidence to support the once connected land
(B) Many people today living in Brazil are genetically quite similar to many western Africans.--------people≠continent. they may migrate
(C) The climates of western Africa and of the east coast of South America resemble each other.-----------------the similar weather may be generated by other factors such as terrain. and this does not state the unique factor that warrant the separation
(D) Some of the oldest tribes of people living in eastern South America speak languages linguistically similar to various languages spoken by certain western African peoples.-----------the same reason as Answer B
(E) Several species of plants found in western Africa closely resemble plants growing in South America.---------------------plants may be bought by animals or human by traveling.

2. 22'
P: All production work on The Big Heist was actually completed months before Thieves was released
C: The accusation is clearly without merit
SUPPORT: sth to prove the work is not copy
(A) Before Thieves began production, its script had been circulating for several years among various film studios, including the studio that produced The Big Heist.------------means The Big Heist still has the chance to copy some idea from Thieves.
(B) The characters and plot twists that are most similar in the two films have close parallels in many earlier films of the same genre.-------------CORRECT. clearly states the similarity is not copy but common in all films.
(C) The film studio that produced Thieves seldom produces films in this genre.----------how is the studio's situation does not matter the Big Heist
(D) The director of Thieves worked with the director of The Big Heist on several earlier projects.----------------whether they have worked with does not saying the directors will copy other's idea
(E) The time it took to produce The Big Heist was considerably shorter than the time it took to produce Thieves.--------------how long the time takes is irrelevant. it is wrong to assume the shorter time is because of copy.

3. 29'
P:  tests show no more than trace quantities of herbicides in partridges on herbicide-treated land.
C: something other than herbicide use must be responsible for the population decrease.
WEAKEN: it is the herbicide that harm the birds
(A) The elimination of certain weeds from cereal crop fields has reduced the population of the small insects that live on those weeds and that form a major part of partridge chicks' diet.-----------CORRECT. clearly state the bad effect of the herbicide to the birds.
(B) Since partridges are valued as game birds, records of their population are more carefully kept than those for many other birds.------------what's the records of partridges is irrelevant
(C) Some of the weeds that are eliminated from cereal crop fields by herbicides are much smaller than the crop plants themselves and would have no negative effect on crop yield if they were allowed to grow.-------------states the advantages of herbicide. nothing related to the birds
(D) Birds other than partridges that live in or around cereal crop fields have also been suffering population declines.--------------other birds' declining does not state anything about the herbicide. irrelevant. It is possible that the declining is caused by some birds' disease.
(E) The toxins contained in herbicides typically used on cereal crops can be readily identified in the tissues of animals that have ingested them.--------------support the argument. means the herbicides do not poison the birds.

4. 30'
P: large profits on the new product will give competitors a strong incentive to quickly match the new product's capabilities
C: the strategy to maximize overall profit from a new product is to charge less than the greatest possible price.
BOLDFACE: first: a strategy that is not recommend by the author           
                second: the recommend strategy
(A) The first is a consideration that has been raised to argue that a certain strategy is counterproductive; the second presents that strategy.--------------the second presents another strategy
(B) The first is a consideration raised to support the strategy that the argument recommends; the second presents that strategy.-------------the first is not recommend
(C) The first is a consideration raised to explain the appeal of a certain strategy; the second presents that strategy.--------------the second presents another strategyCORRECT
(D) The first is an assumption, rejected by the argument, that has been used to justify a course of action; the second presents that course of action.------------the first is not an assumption
(E) The first is a consideration that has been used to justify pursuing a goal that the argument rejects; the second presents a course of action that has been adopted in pursuit of that goal.------------CORRECT. clearly state the different strategy
注意E选项前面部分a goal that the argument rejects这里明显错误啊!!!goal木有改变,都是maximize the profits.  C项之所以对是因为certain strategy就是指的second的那个strategy.
5. 28'
P: although asbestos-->mesothelioma
    infection by SV40-->contributing cause.  60 percent of tissue samples from mesotheliomas, but none from healthy tissue, contain SV40
    in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus
C: this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.
(A) SV40 is widely used as a research tool in cancer laboratories.-------how SV40 is used does not matter
(B) Changes in the technique of manufacturing the vaccine now prevent contamination with SV40.----------------how the changes prevent does not explain the previous contamination
(C) Recently discovered samples of the vaccine dating from 1960 still show traces of the virus.---------means there are traces, but no explanation for the source of virus
(D) In a small percentage of cases of mesothelioma, there is no history of exposure to asbestos.-----------------we are not focus on asbestos. this statement is irrelevant
(E) In Finland, where the polio vaccine was never contaminated, samples from mesotheliomas do not contain SV40.---------------CORRECT. strengthen that without contaminated vaccine, the virus does not -show up--> means the virus was traveled by the vaccine.
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