还是小心为上,小心驶得万年船, 这么大张旗鼓的搞,给ETS老头知道了怎么办。 建议采用大航海3获取村正妖刀的方式秘密进行。 比如在帖子某页的空白处弄个隐藏链接, 设定只在美国时间凌晨4点-5点有效. 点进去后还要再对几句唐诗, 比如: 脸为什么黄啦 防冻涂的蜡. GRE前车之鉴,不可不防 "Over the last several months, ETS has determined that there have been significant security breaches of the GMAT Test. The location that has presented the most jeopardy to test security is China, including Hong Kong. In order to protect the viability of the GMAT test, ETS have made the following decisions: . .  |