DCBDD(5/5) 1. B:近两年装了新设备的飞机数量增多。同时,有关飞机海拔的key info消失的越来越多。 C:新设备该负责(是新设备的错) weaken:其他原因导致的;不是新设备的错(新设备有利) (A) The new anticollisiondevice has already prevented a considerable number of mid-air collisions. (B) It was notuntil the new anticollision device was introduced that key information first begandisappearing suddenly from controllers’ screens. (C) The newanticollision device is scheduled to be moved to a different frequency withinthe next two to three months. (D) Key information began disappearing from controllers’screens three months before the new anticollision device was first tested. (E) The sudden disappearanceof key information from controllers’ screens has occurred only at relativelylarge airports. 53. 测谎仪无法评判时,被测试者也反应不出来什么东西。但是这样inconclusive并不能说明被测试者撒谎与否。但是,雇主还是会因为这样的inconclusive而拒绝申请者。 infer:雇主觉得inconlusive就是撒谎了;雇主宁缺毋滥 (A) Mostexaminees with inconclusive polygraph test results are in fact untruthful. (B) Polygraphtests should not be used by employers in the consideration of job applicants. (C) An inconclusive polygraph test result issometimes unfairly held against the examinee. (D) A polygraphtest indicating that an examinee is untruthful can sometimes be mistaken. (E) Someemployers have refused to consider the results of polygraph tests whenevaluating job applicants. 54. B:不同地区的相同品种的鸟有不同的装修风格。 C:造家能力是后天的而非天生的 (A) There aremore common characteristics than there are differences among the bowerbuildingstyles of the local bowerbird population that has been studied mostextensively. (B) Young male bowerbirds are inept at bowerbuildingand apparently spend years watching their elders before becoming accomplishedin the local bower style. (C) The bowersof one species of bowerbird lack the towers and ornamentation characteristic ofthe bowers of most other species of bowerbird. (D) Bowerbirdsare found only in New Guinea and Australia, where local populations of thebirds apparently seldom have contact with one another. (E) It is wellknown that the song dialects of some songbirds are learned rather thantransmitted genetically. 55. B:说improve主干道可以增加ridership。当局计划raise汽车的过路费来赞助improvement。 C:尽管这些improvement很必须,但是当局的这个plan应该被拒绝因为强迫司机去接受对他们没有好处的政策时不公平的 weaken当局计划的有效性:像结论中说的,不用maincommuter的司机不会搞划不来的事情的啊;并不会收集到足够的fund (A) Before theauthority increases tolls on any of the area bridges, it is required by law tohold public hearings at which objections to the proposed increase can beraised. (B) Wheneverbridge tolls are increased, the authority must pay a private contractor toadjust the automated toll-collecting machines. (C) Between thetime a proposed toll increase is announced and the time the increase isactually put into effect, many commuters buy more tokens than usual to postponethe effects of the increase. (D) When tolls were last increased on the twobridges in question, almost 20 percent of the regular commuter traffic switchedto a slightly longer alternative route that has since been improved. (E) The chairmanof the authority is a member of the Tristate Automobile Club that hasregistered strong opposition to the proposed toll increase. 56. B:玉米收成好,价格低;收成不好,价格高。预测说玉米种植地明天有强降水。 C:玉米价格今天会暴跌因为这个湿润度对玉米刚刚好(暗指收成会变很好)。 weaken:雨水太多(洪灾暴雨之类的)可能会导致玉米减产,价格就会升高有可能 (A) Corn that doesnot receive adequate moisture during its critical pollination stage will notproduce a bountiful harvest. (B) Futuresprices for corn have been fluctuating more dramatically this season than lastseason. (C) The rainthat meteorologists predicted for tomorrow is expected to extend well beyondthe corn-growing region. (D) Agriculture experts announced today that adisease that has devastated some of the corn crop will spread widely before theend of the growing season. (E) Most peoplewho trade in corn futures rarely take physical possession of the corn theytrade.