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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-3】

发表于 2012-8-29 16:04:56 | 只看该作者
1)    Time: 34”
2)    Situation:
Background: The carpet marketing is almost full. Customers usually purchase twice, 20 or 30, then 50 or 60.
Premise: Carpet Company gains its market share.
Conclusion: Merging competitor companies.
3)    rephrase: customers either buy from this carpet marketing or buy from competitors.
4)    A----irrelevant
C----support (C-----P)
1)    Time: 24”
2)    Situation:
Premise: Remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Conclusion: Establish seaweed in the ocean, burn it after die.
3)    rephrase: Burning plants will cause more carbon dioxide.
4)    A----irrelevant
1)    Time: 37”
2)    Situation: Video rentals decreased in C from 1994 to 1993, most due to the opening of V, who rent and sell videos.
Premise: V sold 4000 videos in 1994, and rentals only declined 10000.
Conclusion: Do not blame V
3)    rephrase: Customers buy videos instead of renting them.
4)    A----support
1)    Time: 30”
2)    Situation:
Premise: Label is gold colored
Conclusion: Two brands can be distinguished only by label color.
3)    rephrase:
4)    A----irrelevant
1)    Time: 30”
2)    A----irrelevant
发表于 2012-9-3 23:36:16 | 只看该作者
P: market for carpet is very small and relating to the population. Cos most of the people only purchase twice during the life time

C: Companies only can gain the market growth from the the competitor instead of from marketing


P:S suggest to grow more plants to absorb the CD
C: one method will be grow the some kind of seaweed to absorb the CD and when seaweed die, use them as a fuel.
Weaken: Burn seaweed will create more CD then they absorb.

P: J: Video rental decline 10000 1994 compare with 1993.
C: J: the decline is due to the videorama sales the video cheaply

Counter P: B: the Videorama only sold 4000 CD but the rental decline was 10000-Much bigger
Counter C: B: Videorama is not the reason for the decline

Weaken: Rental has time limit, after watch customer have to return the CD on time, But purchase CD will allow them to lend it to their friends

P: MW: the DW’s wine  using same design one kind of our wine’s bottle design
C:MW: this will mislead some of our customer who intent to buy our wine end up pick up their product

DW: P; our label is golden colour but yours not
DW:C:it won’t be a problem for customer to distinguish the two brands
Weaken: Most of the customer doesn’t realize that the MW having a similar wine, when they buy, the never read the label carefully
发表于 2012-9-3 23:46:09 | 只看该作者
第五题云里雾里,跟同学们相比弱爆了  加油
发表于 2012-10-2 09:59:32 | 只看该作者
精练3  49.3S
pre:first in their twenties or thirties, and then perhaps again in their fifties or sixties.
conclusion:Thus as the population ages, companies producing carpet
will be able to gain market share in the carpet market only through purchasing competitors, and not  through more aggressive marketing.
预测:weaken the conclusion . The goal  will not be achieved
2  22'3
pre:plan:remove the carbon dioixde from the atmosphere by incresing the amount that is absorbed.
conclusion:when plants die ,they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.
预测:weaken this plan 可以移除carbon dioxide 但是有的地方没有具备种植这个Plants的条件 或者这样的做法根本不会有成效.
3  49'9
Bg:Video rental outlets in Centerville together handled 10,000 fewer video rentals in 1994 than in 1993.
explain1:It was  probably due  alomst entirely to the February 1994 opening of Video drama, the first and only video rental outlet in the area that, in addition to renting videos, also sold them cheaply.
explain2:the decline was on the order of 10,000 rentals.  Yet Videorama sold only 4,000 videos in 1994.
预测:不能去否定explain1 对于explain2中 没有考虑到total amount 的问题
4  40's
Bganville Winery's new wine was introduced to compete with our most popular wine
prean. use a similar bottle.
pre:the way to distinguish them:the label on ours, but not on theirs, is gold colored.
conclusion:it is likely that many customers intending to buy our wine will mistakenly buy theirs instead.
预测:她只说了在他们桌上的是gold色的 ,但是在别人桌上的任然是很相似的 依然会被认错,更和空大家的bottle 是很相似的.
5 32'7s
pre1:30% orders placed by subscribers by subscribers age<35
pre2:Most   by people <35
conclusion:bothe of them are true.
发表于 2012-10-4 11:12:32 | 只看该作者
3. There is relatively little room for growth in the
overall carpet market, which is tied to the size of the
population. Most who purchase carpet do so only
once or twice, first in their twenties or thirties, and
then perhaps again in their fifties or sixties. Thus as
the population ages, companies producing carpet
will be able to gain market share in the carpet market
only through purchasing competitors, and not
through more aggressive marketing.
Which one of the following, if true, casts the most
doubt on the conclusion above?

P: people only buycarpet at 20/30 and 50.
C: little room forgrowth of carpet market
C: company can onlygain edge through purchasing competitors rather than marketing.
Pre: marketing changepeople’s mind when buy at 20/30 and 50.

(A) Most of the major carpet producers market
other floor coverings as well. ---------Irrelevant.
(B) Most established carpet producers market
several different brand names and varieties,
and there is no remaining niche in the
market for new brands to fill. ----------Irrelevant.
(C) Two of the three mergers in the industry’s last
ten years led to a decline in profits and
revenues for the newly merged companies. --------------It’s about market share,not profit/revenue.
(D) Price reductions,achieved by cost-cutting in
production, by some of the dominant firms
in the carpet market are causing other
producers to leave the market altogether.
----------------Other causescan have the same effect.
(E) The carpet market is unlike most markets in
that consumers are becoming increasingly
resistant to new patterns and styles. -------------Not about new/old patterns,about existing competition.

Scientists are discussing ways to remove excess carbon dioxide from theatmosphere by increasing the amount that is absorbed by plant life.  Oneplan to accomplish this is to establish giant floating seaweed farms in theoceans.  When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by beingburned for fuel.

Which of the following, if true, would indicate the mostserious weakness in the plan above?
-- PREP07 CR1 NO.9

P: produce seaweed

P: seaweed is burned for fuel when die.
C: reduce the amt of CO2 by increasing amt absorbed by plant life.
Pre: burning has negative effect
(A) Some areas of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere do notcontain sufficient nutrients to support large seaweed farms.----Irrelevant
(B) When a seaweed plantis burned, it releases an amount of carbon dioxide comparable to the amount ithas absorbed in its lifetime.
(C) Even if seaweed farms prove effective, some people will be reluctant toswitch to this new fuel.-----“some people” not effective weakening.
(D) Each year about seven billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into theatmosphere but only about five billion tons are absorbed by plant life.----Justprevious fact.
(E) Seaweed farms would make more money by farming seaweed to sell asnutritional supplements than by farming seaweed to sell as fuel.----Irrelevant.

Jennifer:  Video rental outlets in Centerville together handled 10,000fewer video rentals in 1994 than in 1993.  The decline in rentals wasprobably due almost entirely to the February 1994 opening of Videorama, thefirst and only video rental outlet in the area that, in addition to rentingvideos, also sold them cheaply.

Brad:  There must be another explanation:  as you yourself said, thedecline was on the order of 10,000 rentals.  Yet Videorama sold only 4,000videos in 1994.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the force of theobjection that Brad presents to Jennifer's explanation?
-- PREP07 CR1 NO.10

P: C has declined rental videos from 1993 to 1994of 10,000. The new opened V has 4,000 sold vedios.
C: Not because of opening of V.
Pre: People switch from rent to buy and lend toother people.
43’+ 27’

(A) In 1994 Videorama rented out more videos than it sold.
(B) In 1994 two new outlets that rent but that do not sell videos opened inCenterville.
(C) Most of the video rental outlets in Centerville rent videos at a discounton certain nights of the week.
(D) People often buy videos of movies that they have previously seen in atheater.
(E) People who own videosfrequently loan them to their friends.

Mourdet Winery:  Danville Winery's new wine was introduced to compete withour most popular wine, which is sold in a distinctive tall, black bottle. Danville uses a similar bottle.  Thus, it is likely that manycustomers intending to buy our wine will mistakenly buy theirs instead.

Danville Winery:  Not so.  The two bottles can be readilydistinguished:  the label on ours, but not on theirs, is gold colored.

Which of the following, if true, most undermines Danville Winery's response?
-- PREP07 CR1 NO.11

P: DW new wine was introduced, the label isgolden, not like the other brand.
C: people not buy DW’s wine because of mistakingit as the other brand.
Pre: Colors are close.

(A) Gold is the background color on the label of many ofthe wines produced by Danville Winery. -----Irrelevant.
(B) When the bottles are viewed side by side, Danville Winery's bottle isperceptibly taller than Mourdet Winery's. -------Irrelevant.
(C) Danville Winery, unlike Mourdet Winery, displays its wine's labelprominently in advertisements.---------people are impressed by the label, can’tmistake it as the other.
(D) It is common foroccasional purchasers to buy a bottle of wine on the basis of a generalimpression of the most obvious feature of the bottle.---------Color isthe most obvious feature.
(E) Many popular wines are sold in bottles of a standard design.----------Irrelevant.

Finding of a survey of Systems magazine subscribers:  Thirty percent ofall merchandise orders placed by subscribers in response to advertisements in themagazine last year were placed by subscribers under age thirty-five.

Finding of a survey of advertisers in Systems magazine:  Most of themerchandise orders placed in response to advertisements in Systems last yearwere placed by peopleunder age thirty-five.

For both of the findings to be accurate, which of the following must be true?
-- PREP07 CR1 NO.12

F:30% of people subscribe commodities orders bysubscribers responding to ad. are <35.
F: most of commodities ordered by people respondingto ad. are <35.
Pre: 30% of people order commodities <35.
Go over percentage part in CR Bible.
A) More subscribers to Systems who have never orderedmerchandise in response to advertisements in the magazine are age thirty-fiveor over than are under age thirty-five.
(B) Among subscribers to Systems, theproportion who are under age thirty-five was considerably lower last year thanit is now.
(C) Most merchandise orders placed in responseto advertisements in Systems last year were placed by Systems subscribers overage thirty-five.
(D) Last year, the average dollar amount ofmerchandise orders placed was less for subscribers under age thirty-five thanfor those age thirty-five or over.
(E) Lastyear many people who placed orders for merchandise in response toadvertisements in Systems were not subscribers to the magazine.------link subscriber with people.
发表于 2012-10-4 12:43:17 | 只看该作者


精炼:35s weaken
BG:carpet marketing is limited.It is relative to the population.
Premise:people only use carpet when they are fifty to sixty years old or at certain young age.
Conclusion: carpet corporations must purchase their competitors to overcome the difficulty.
If it is not necessary to purchase competitors then the argument will be attacked.
A irrelevant information,the focus is carpet market,not another floor covering.
B strenghten the plan
C strenghten the plan,cause the profits and revenue have already shrinked.
D weaken the plan,corporations don't have to merge eachother,the best corporation will stay and control the market by forcing other corporations to leave through price reduction.
E strenghten the plan
1.无关的选项通常都是谈到一个相关的话题,但并非是结论中的中心。抓住结论的关键词(topic)无关的选项就会被排除,本题的无关选项是A。 game(小把戏,抑或叫诡辩) 的识别:通常这种把戏会针对结论中的细节下手,本题C项是将结论中的topic:gain market share 换成了 increase profits and revenues。另一种可能是这种诡辩会对推理的方向下手,本题C项就是将推理方向调换,如果并购,那么利润会上升。而结论中需要反驳的推理是如何证明gain market share--->purchase competitors 是错的。这在逻辑上将其实就是逆命题和命题的真假并不总是同步的。
3. There is relatively little room for growth in the
overall carpet market, which is tied to the size of the
population. Most who purchase carpet do so only
once or twice, first in their twenties or thirties, and
then perhaps again in their fifties or sixties. Thus as
the population ages, companies producing carpet
will be able to gain market share in the carpet market
only through purchasing competitors, and not
through more aggressive marketing.
Which one of the following, if true, casts the most
doubt on the conclusion above?
(A) Most of the major carpet producers market
other floor coverings as well.
(B) Most established carpet producers market
several different brand names and varieties,
and there is no remaining niche in the
market for new brands to fill.
(C) Two of the three mergers in the industry’s last
ten years led to a decline in profits and
revenues for the newly merged companies.
(D) Price reductions, achieved by cost-cutting in
production, by some of the dominant firms
in the carpet market are causing other
producers to leave the market altogether.
(E) The carpet market is unlike most markets in
that consumers are becoming increasingly
resistant to new patterns and styles.

2. 37s weaken
BG:scientists are willing to make the plant absorb more carbon in order to reduce the carbon element quantity floating in the air.
Premise: establish seaweed frams in the ocean,and burn it as a type of fuel
Conclusion: the plan will succeed:excess carbon dioxide will be removed from atmosphere.
If the seaweed is burned and producing carbon dioxide again,the plan fails.
A irrelevant,the plan can be executed if there exists eough valid ocean areas for farms.
B correct
C irrelevant,because we can find another way to use these seaweed.
D strenghten the plan.because the situation is tough,we must deal with the problems by farming seaweed.
E irrelevant information
3.65s two-speaker stimulus weaken
BG:J said in 1994,the video rentals decline.
Premise:because the outlet sell videos cheaply,
Consquence:the rental declines.
another explanation:the quantity of video being sold is much less than the rental.
weaken Brass is strenghten Jennifer.
A repeat the materials
B irrelevant information
C irrelevant information,so they buy videos in certain nights,and the total year's selling records are still not changed.
D irrelevant information,it has nothing to do with the way or the stimulus to buy videos.The key problem is why selling videos lead to the rental decline.
E correct.because selling videos will broadly decline the the number of potential customers who want to see videos.

4.36s two-speaker stimulus weaken
MW;premise;the bottle of the two different wines are similar
  conclusionur sales record declined.
DW:premise:the bottles can be distinguished easily,cause the labels are different.

what if the customer seldom look at the label when they choose the wine?
A irrelevant information
B wrong statement,the materials have already told the bottle are simmilar.
C irrelevant information,the situation is taliking about the bottle,not other ways to sell wines.
D correct
E irrelevant information

5.43s fact test
fact1:30% customers order according to adds are under age 35.
fact2:most of all the customers ordering according to adds are under age 35.
maybe other customers' ages are seperated well in vast range.
A irrelevant information,it has nothing to do with the subscribers who did't order merchandise after seeing adds.
B This maybe true but not necessarily.
C if this is true,the facts listed upwards are wrong.
D irrelevant statement
E correct,if this is true than it is reasonable that both fact1 and fact2 are true.
发表于 2012-10-20 08:39:07 | 只看该作者
Overall carpet market is tied to the size of population.
Most purchase carpet once or twice, in their 20s,30s and 50s, 60s.
Purchasing competitors, not through marketing
Either-or choice- adjusting
发表于 2012-11-9 00:12:24 | 只看该作者
1.    33s
P: There is relatively little room for growth in the overall carpet market, which is tied to the size of the population. Most who purchase carpet do so only once or twice, first in their twenties or thirties, and then perhaps again in their fifties or sixties.
C: Thus as the population ages, companies producing carpet will be able to gain market share in the carpet market only through purchasing competitors, and not through more aggressive marketing.
Weaken: 在不同时段都有很多二十或是五十左右想买carpet的人
(A) Most of the major carpet producers market other floor coverings as well. ---irrelevant
(B) Most established carpet producers market several different brand names and varieties, and there is no remaining niche in the market for new brands to fill. ---support
(C) Two of the three mergers in the industry’s last ten years led to a decline in profits and revenues for the newly merged companies. ---support。。。答案说C是shell answer, 为什么呢…
(D) Price reductions, achieved by cost-cutting in production, by some of the dominant firms in the carpet market are causing other producers to leave the market altogether. ---correct,给出了另一个不应该靠价格取胜的原因…
(E) The carpet market is unlike most markets in that consumers are becoming increasingly resistant to new patterns and styles. ---support,对新款式抵抗,所以不应该营销

2.    30s
P: One plan to accomplish this is to establish giant floating seaweed farms in the oceans.  When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.
C: Scientists are discussing ways to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by increasing the amount that is absorbed by plant life.
Weaken: burn产生的CO2比植物吸收的更多
(A) Some areas of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere do not contain sufficient nutrients to support large seaweed farms. ---irrelevant
(B) When a seaweed plant is burned, it releases an amount of carbon dioxide comparable to the amount it has absorbed in its lifetime. ---correct, weaken, 这样种植物的效果就没有了
(C) Even if seaweed farms prove effective, some people will be reluctant to switch to this new fuel. ---somehow support
(D) Each year about seven billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere but only about five billion tons are absorbed by plant life. ---不能weaken通过植物减少CO2的结论,反而支持,因为确实减少了CO2的量
(E) Seaweed farms would make more money by farming seaweed to sell as nutritional supplements than by farming seaweed to sell as fuel. ---无关

3.    41s
Jennifer:  : Video rental outlets in Centerville together handled 10,000 fewer video rentals in 1994 than in 1993. the first and only video rental outlet in the area that, in addition to renting videos, also sold them cheaply.
C: The decline in rentals was probably due almost entirely to the February 1994 opening of Videorama
Brad:  : as you yourself said, the decline was on the order of 10,000 rentals.  Yet Videorama sold only 4,000 videos in 1994.
C: There must be another explanation
Weaken B: 另外6000是这4000个买的时候同时租出去的~
(A) In 1994 Videorama rented out more videos than it sold. ---support, correct,解释了另外6000也是V造成的
(B) In 1994 two new outlets that rent but that do not sell videos opened in Centerville. ---无关
(C) Most of the video rental outlets in Centerville rent videos at a discount on certain nights of the week. ---与数量无关
(D) People often buy videos of movies that they have previously seen in a theater. ---out of scope
(E) People who own videos frequently loan them to their friends. ---support B
正确答案:E  因为A只说租出的比卖出的多,不能说明总共数量超过10000,所以不能支持entirely, 而且不能直接削弱Brad对于sold数量问题的怀疑…而E,买到之后借给朋友能够解释少了租出的部分,所以削弱Brad说的因为只卖出4000就不能归因于opening of Videorama。。。。

4.    26s
Mourdet Winery:  Danville Winery's new wine was introduced to compete with our most popular wine, which is sold in a distinctive tall, black bottle.  Danville uses a similar bottle.  Thus, it is likely that many customers intending to buy our wine will mistakenly buy theirs instead.
Danville Winery:  Not so.  The two bottles can be readily distinguished:  the label on ours, but not on theirs, is gold colored.
Weaken D: 消费者更多关注瓶子,很少注意商标
(A) Gold is the background color on the label of many of the wines produced by Danville Winery. ---fact, 支持D
(B) When the bottles are viewed side by side, Danville Winery's bottle is perceptibly taller than Mourdet Winery's. ---支持D
(C) Danville Winery, unlike Mourdet Winery, displays its wine's label prominently in advertisements. ---支持D
(D) It is common for occasional purchasers to buy a bottle of wine on the basis of a general impression of the most obvious feature of the bottle. ---correct, 因为排除了其它,但是有一点疑惑,most obvious feature没有阐明到底是什么feature…
(E) Many popular wines are sold in bottles of a standard design. ---无关

5.    32s
Finding of a survey of Systems magazine subscribers: Thirty percent of all merchandise orders placed by subscribers in response to advertisements in the magazine last year were placed by subscribers under age thirty-five.
Finding of a survey of advertisers in Systems magazine: Most of the merchandise orders placed in response to advertisements in Systems last year were placed by people under age thirty-five.
Must be true: 没太明白题目…推测不出来
发表于 2012-11-14 12:26:55 | 只看该作者
Premise: The carpet market is tied to the size of population for people buy carpet only once or twice, first in their 20s-30s and the second in their 50s-60s.
Conclusion:Carpet companies can increase their market share only thtough purchasing their competitiors but not through more aggressive marketing.
There are other methods to increase the market share othen than buying their competitors, such as expending their overseas market.In addition, if the number of people in their 20s-30s or in their 50s-60s increase in recent years, the companies can expend their market share through more aggresive marketing.(opposite to the premise)
B.Though no new producers enter the carpet markets, the market share of the company still can not increasing.
***if there is no new niche for new brands to fill ,the company can increasing its market share only by mergering.
***profits is not eqeal to market shares.
D.If other producers leave the market, then the producer can attract new customers who buy carpets from their competitors,thereby increasing the market share through a more aggressive marketing.

Background: Increasing the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by plant life can help remove excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Objective:Reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Plan:Establish giant seaweed in the ocean and burn them when they die.
If the carbon dioxide the seaweeds bringing out in the process of burning is the same as that they absorbs in their lifetime, the plan can not achieve its goal.
A.Some is not representative.
B.The same as the prediction.
C.Some is not representative.
D.This still can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.strenghten. is irrelevant.

Background: The number of Video rentals in 1994 is 10,000 lower than that in 1993.
Explanation: It is due to the opening of Videorama, which sold vedios cheaply.
Premise: The number of the video sold is much less than the total decreasing number of video rentals.
Conclusion: The explanation is unjusted.
Though the number of video sold can not account for the overall drecreasing number of video rentals , people who buy videos can rental it to their frend which  also can lead to the decline in the number of video rentals.
E.the same as prediction.

Background: DW's new new wine was put into bottles that is smilar to MW's.
Premise:The gold label of DW on the bottles is different from that of MW.
Conclusion:Costomers will not mistaken these two kinds of wines.
If people distinguish the wine only by its shap of bottle, they will mistakenly buy DW's instead.
D.the shape other than the color of the labe is the most obvious features of the bottle. so people buy wine on the base of the shape of the bottle, and mistaken DW's wine for MW's.

Fact1: 30% of the all merchandise orders placed by subscribers in reponse to ad in the magazine were placed by subscribers under 35.
Fact2:Most of the merchandise orders placed by people in reponse to ad were placed by people under 35.
Most people  perchase merchandise orders in response to ad are not the subscribers of the magzine.
A.wrong. it shoule be less not more.(subscribers中两个变量age/order,用表格法即可求)
B.not mention now.
C.wrong.the percentage is less than 30%.
D.the dollar is not mentioned.
E.the same as predicion.
发表于 2012-11-14 20:06:33 | 只看该作者

Daily CR-3_2012-11-114

1. 42" (Weak) [晕,又看一遍:40"]
Background: There's little room of carpet market, which is tied to the size of population. People only buy carpet once or twice in their whole lief.
Premise: As people get old.
Conclusion: Carpet company will get more profit only through purchasing competitor (?), not aggressive marketing.
As the first purchased customers getting old, there'll also be some new customers growing to the age of 20s or 30s. - Aggressive marketing will still work.
Marketing overseas in a new market?
Didn't understand the key point of this question: market share.
(A) "floor covering" is IRRELEVANT
(B) "no remaining niche for a new brand" IRRELEVANT - SUPPORT
This is an Opposite answer that strengthens the argument.
If there are no remaining niches to fill, then there is no way to expand other than
to purchase a competitor.

(C) "2/3 emerged companies declined in profit" explain the market is hard to get in, but doesn't doubt the conclusion. (Didn't understand Answer-C: MERGER-NOT imerge)
Answer choice (C) simply suggests that when companies purchase
their competitors the endeavor is often financially unsuccessful. Essentially,
answer choice (C) fails to prove that purchasing competitors is unnecessary to
gain market share.

"the dominant company cut price through lower cost so that others leave the market" doesn't doubt the conclusion.
* Cutting down the cost -> Lower prices -> Competitors leaving -> Bigger market share
(E) CORRECT.If consumers increasingly follow the new patterns and styles.
"consumers are increasingly resistant (=reluctant) to new patterns and styles"


2. 26" (Weak)
Background: Carbon dioxide of the atmasphere keeps increasing.
Premise: One seaweed can reduce the carbon dioxide.
Conclusion: Growing large seaweed on the ocean, then burn it for fule.
Prephrase: Burning seaweed will produce more (OR COMPARABLE) carbon dioxide into the atmasphere than it reduces.
(A) Some areas of the oceans don't support the seaweed farm, but there're still other areas do.
(C) If people wanna use the new fuel is irrelevant.
(D) No seaweed farm mentioned, irrelevant.
(E) Nothing about the carbon dioxide removed, irrelevant.

3. 42", 1'20"+ (Weak)
Premise: 10,000 video rentals declined in 1994 than 1993.
Premise: Videorama is the only shop renting videos, also selling them cheaply.
               Videorama opend in Feb, 1994.
               Videorama only sold 4,000 videos in 1994
Conclusion: SVideorama is not the reason 10,000 video rentals declined.
Prephrase: 10,000 rentals contained same videos.
(A) Irrelevant
(B) Irrelevant
(C) Irrelevant
(D) Irrelevant
(E) CORRECT: people buy video -> lend to friends -> friends stop renting the movie ->less rentals

4. 29" (Weak)
Premise: Competitor's new wine bottle is similar to ours
                 The lable on our bottle is golden, but not the competitor's.
Conclusion: Customers will not mistakenly buy their wine.
Prephrase: Customers don't realize the diffrence of the lables.
(A) Support.
(B) Golden lable is not mentioned. Irrelevant
(C) Support
(E) Irrelevant

5. " (Conclusion)
Premise: Orders by 35- yrs subscribers/ Orders by all subscribers = 30%
                 Orders by 35- yrs / Orders by all in response to the magzine ad = most
Conclusion: Lots of 35- yrs buyers r not subscribers
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