hey, what's up? how to submit online? I did not see the link.
I'm not so sure abt GRE since the majority applicants are taking GMAT. T is fine, but if it's below 100, u gotta take placement test in the future. u can submit all materials online, and ask prof to send recommedation letters to pace grad admission emailbox. but if u decide to choose pace and receive I-20, u still need to submit financial affidavit, bank statement and official transcript via mail. btw, i'm not 学长...though some guys in cssa are...i'm not...= =
学长好,我是国内本科生 贵校的2012fall的msf项目,很优秀,所以我挺想申请的,申请中有一些问题: 我的背景是:过内985 211院校 本科专业是金融工程 绩点3.13 GRE1200 T准备11.26再刷。过90没问题。 请问 我的背景有希望进这个学校的msf项目么?推荐信有一封不错的推荐信,老师比较牛。其他的很水了。 之前在申请pace的时候,没有告诉我是否可以全部网申,这里想问下学长:请问现在可以全部网申完成申请麽? -- by 会员 wszt (2011/11/18 15:47:14)
-- by 会员 pacemiranda (2011/11/18 23:33:58)