this is the only choice that uses "by which", as required by proper idiom. it also uses "imitation and practice" at the end, which is correct (vis-à-vis "imitating and practicing", which don't have a proper noun as referent). By the way, how do I know we need "by which?" My two options are by which and so that. Did something happen so that something else would happen? That is, was the first thing done on purpose to make the second thing happen? Or did one thing just lead to another thing, more passively? (This is the "by which" scenario.) "So that" says that I consciously did something to make something else happen: I chose a high-paying job so that I could make a lot of money. "By which" just says this is how it happened: My high-paying job is the method by which I make a lot of money. Do the chimps exhibit curiosity on purpose in order to pass behaviors on? Or do they happen to have this curiosity and that's how the behaviors get passed on? It's the latter, so I use "by which." 嗯,看来我编的那个例子没错...If I use "so that", that expression indicates that babybearmm learns the methods on purpose to solve the problems (granted by the authority). -- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/26 11:13:16)
这里没太明白~关于by imitation and practice的
当时我在做时判D错的其中一个原因是“ new patterns of behavior and expression can bepassed on from one to another”在D中看来有两个方式状语了,一个是by curiosity一个是by imitation and practice……所以觉得累赘,这样没问题吗?
而且JJ Stacey@Manhattan GMAT 的意思是说by practicing and imitating与by imitation and practice都可以喽? |