*****B的错误:1,语义错误,B的意思貌似是说在 42种不同的情况中in1980,CEO:蓝领的ratio达到了419:1.这句话表意是错的,不过说实话我自己做题的时候看不出来;2,也就是语法上的错误,我们不能把 42times单独放在那里,让他“悬垂”起来,42times 这种结构 后面必须有东西,比如我们常用的结构42 times that in 1990,这点我们应该牢记,是一个绝对的错误点。B选项中42 times后面直接跟了一个 介词短语,让42 times悬垂起来了,所以不对。
别看这个题短小精悍,亮点还挺多的。choice b is badly worded: 'compares to 42 times in 1980' seems to saythat, on forty-two different occasions in 1980, the ceo:blue-collar ratioreached 419:1. this is not what we are trying to say.
more generally, when speaking about ratios as is done here, you cannot leave'times' hanging like this. sometimes you can use pronouns - the height ofthe sears tower is more than four times that of the statue of liberty- but you can't use empty space.
choice c exhibits proper usage of 'times' followed by their pay. it alsouses the ratio, a correct identification of exactly what is beingdescribed.
youcan't just write "42 times" by itself. ithas to be 42 times something.
if it's 42 times something that was mentioned previously, or 42 times somethingthat is in parallel structure to something that was mentioned previously, thenyou could use a relative pronoun (i.e., something like "42 times thatin 1990", etc).
but you can't just leave "42 times" hanging out alone.
*****A的错误:A从语法上来讲是OK的,没有绝对性错误。但是 the ration of 42 times是 赘余的。note that ,ratio在C,D中做同位语的时候不是多余的。
l yeah, i think you're right: the comparison made in choice a is ok. it's notquite as ideally worded as the comparison in choices b-c-d, but, as can be seenin saurabh's ron/bush example, it's fine.
the real problems with choice a:
- 'the ratio of 42 times' is redundant; it'd be good enough just to say '42times'. note that the word 'ratio' is not redundant in choices c-d,since it's being used as a modifier to make a logical connection.
- it doesn't say 42 times what. not only is that unacceptably vague, but italso breaks parallelism.