26s P: John claimed that 80% of car accident happened within 5miles of home. so the drivers drive less safely within 5miles than long distant. P: Judy claimed that 80% of driving within 5 miles of home. Response: Doubt the evidence and data provided from John, john failed to consider percentage of drivers who drive within 5miles. A: A
14s P: reasonable people adapt themselves to the world, unreasonable people adapt the world to themselves. C: So the progress of the world is contributed by the unreasonable people. A: Unreasonable people always take progress. A: B
35s P: Theater critic said that the theater revenue is down because the life blood of the theater such as talented people are decayed. P: The producer claimed that the theater is not in decline is because the theater critic makes full-filling prophecy by discouraging the emerging talented people to join in the theater. Response: The producer used the evidence of theater critic to oppose its point. A: C(错) 谁能解释一下C和A的不同? (A) focusing on the effects of the critic’s evaluation rather than on its content (C) challenging the motives behind the critic’s remarks rather than the remarks themselves
25s(然后又看了一遍) P: The M.'s painting is being restored. The goal of restorers is to uncover the M's original painting and remove others. C: However, the restorers maintain one addition painting from D.V. Resolve: Remove D.V's stuff will affect the quality of M's painting. A: 为什么是A?不解!! 还有谁能解释一下B? B是不是说因为DV的painting pigment对于light很敏感,所以他用了很muted的颜色在painting里,这样我在想,如果很淡,可能就看不到了,也就没必要remove了吧。 不懂啊~~