Nine months after the county banned jet skis and other water bikes from the tranquil waters of Puget Sound, a judge overturned the ban on the ground of violating state laws for allowing the use of personal watercraft on common waterways.
Prep 破解 test2 11题: Nine months after the county banned jet skis and other water bikes from the tranquil waters of Puget Sound, a judge overturned the ban on the ground of violating state laws for allowing the use of personal watercraft on common waterways. (A) of violating state laws for allowing (B) of their violating state laws to allow (C) that it violates state laws that allowed (D) that it violated state laws allowing
(E) that state laws were being violated allowing 这道题选D, 我选的A. 我觉得这道题答案的语法没有问题,但是我对这道题的意思,和逻辑不太理解。
我觉得原句的意思是说:在国家禁止(ban)在水上使用jet skis 和water bikes 的9个月后,有一个判决(judge)在违背国家法律的基础上(violating state laws)推翻了这个ban,并且允许在公共水域使用personal watercraft. 我不知道我理解的对不对。 因为题目中先说国家是禁止使用jet skis 和water bikes的,那么既然这个judge overturn了这个ban那他肯定就是和这个ban相反的,所以应该是这个judge allowing the use of personal watercraft on common waterways,而不是 state law allowing the use of personal watercraft.
如果按照答案D的逻辑,这个judge 违反了一个allowing the use of personal watercraft的国家法律,那他应该是支持那个ban的,为什么说他是overturn那个ban 呢? 而且既然country已经禁止使用jet skis 和water bikes,为什么 state law会allowing the use of personal watercraft呢?
LZ的题目意思理解错了。 翻译一下:在国家禁止blabla九个月后,一个法官推翻了这个“禁止”,因为这个“禁止”违反了state law, 这个law是允许个人watercraft在公开水域的使用。 涉及两个语言点,on the ground that 因为,基于...之上。 law 等表法律法规的词,用ving修饰。