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例一:OG Q23 前提→结论型 A drug that is highly effective in treating many types of infection can, at present, be obtained only from the bark of the ibora, a tree that is quite rare in the wild. It takes the bark of 5,000 trees to make one kilogram of the drug. It follows, therefore, that continued production of the drug must inevitably lead to the ibora’s extinction.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
(A) The drug made from ibora bark is dispensed to doctors from a central authority. (B) The drug made from ibora bark is expensive to produce. (C) The leaves of the ibora are used in a number of medical products. (D) The ibora can be propagated from cuttings and grown under cultivation. (E) The ibora generally grows in largely inaccessible places.
Step0: BAT会读问题,知道这道题要我们weaken Step1: 认真地有抑扬顿挫地读短文,然后慢慢地慢慢地感觉出结论在哪里,前提在哪里 Step2: 锁定最后一句话为结论,识别出它是一个【陈述句】,它是一个【非因果型结论】 Step3: 脑子中迅速过一下,结论的前提是什么?? 【结论:造这个药会让树绝种】【前提:造这个药会消耗太多的树】 Step4: 预测答案。之前BAT说过,对于这类题型,削弱的话,就直接去找一个能让【前提推不出结论】的选项即可。所以,BAT在预测答案的时候,会预测【造药不会让树绝种】。这里,我的意思是,预测的答案,一定要和结论高度相关,甚至说,如果是削弱题,你就直接预测【结论反方面】;如果是加强题,直接预测【结论真的可以达到】。 但需要谨记的是,这个预测,只是告诉你一个大的方向,你下一步要做的,是去检验每个选项,是否符合你这个预测的方向。我们来看step5 Step5: 检验每个选项。这个step一个很重要的点,就是你一定要带着step4所形成的那个【预测的答案方向】来看每个选项。 比如,看A选项,你在读完这个选项的时候,要弱弱问自己一句,这个选项能回答那个问题么?也就是说,有了这个选项,能说明【砍树就不会导致树绝种】么? 只有带着step4那个预测的方向,我们才能不被每个长长的选项给绕晕,才能真正找到那个正确答案。
话说这个题目不是因果型的,结论是一个东西导致了另外一个东西,怎么会不是因果型的呢。况且用因果型结论一样可以做出来的吧??? |