虽然这个training确实可以减少accident 的发生率,但是如果 人数增加了 那么相应的 发生的事故也多了。 比如原来100个人 10%的事故率 人数没变 8% 就是 8人 但workforce增加 比如到150 就变成 12 人了 不知道这样理解对不对 -- by 会员 疏离无罪 (2011/9/11 19:57:17)
这个道理懂,但是这句话实在太纠结 .Manufacturers tend to improve their job safety training only when they are increasing the size of their workforce.
-- by 会员 纳丁Cat (2011/9/11 20:18:52)
1.Industry experts expect improvements in job safety training to lead to safer work environments. A recent survey indicated, however, that for manufacturers who improved job safety training during the 1980s, the number of on-the-job accidents tended to increase in the months immediately following the changes in the training programs. Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the passage above? safer代表发生事故的比率下降,increase的是number,而且注意结论里有Immediately。 所有resolve的答案应该是基数增加,而且是在improve之后的immediately。A.A similar survey found that the number of onthe-job accidents remained constant after job safety training in the transportation sectorwas improved. out of scope B.Manufacturers tend to improve their job safety training only when they are increasing the size of their workforce. only 的作用在于,呼应Immediately. 同时基数增大,恰合题意。若无only,则不会有Immediately。可能是慢慢地增加或者其他 C. Manufacturers tend to improve job safety training only after they have noticed that the number of on-the-job accidents has increased. shell game 答案过于主观,不知道何时Notice。也许增长了很久才Notice,与immediately就不符合了。 D. It is likely that the increase in the number ofon-the-job accidents experienced by many companies was not merely a random fluctuation. opposite——one side . 说明safer是确实的,但没有说明increase .paradox加剧 E.Significant safety measures, such as protective equipment and government safety inspections, were in place well before the improvements in job safety training. opposite——one side 同D,
-- by 会员 kidvii (2011/9/12 1:16:00)
大概懂了,Bible的题好难啊 |