sorry啊,手误打错了,是e,although 前面是名词后面是从句,不正确。
我认为分号前后的代词指代是不需要一致的。酒的那道题的分号是隔句指代,their 指代那些人是可以的。怎么说了,分号的作用相当于连接两个独立的句子。两个独立的句子中相同的代词是可以不一样的。另外附上我对酒的那道题的理解。望指点。(可能木有太大联系)
87. In an effort to reduce their inventories, Italian vintners
have cut prices; their wines have been priced to sell,
and they are.
(A) have been priced to sell, and they are
(B) are priced to sell, and they have
(C) are priced to sell, and they do
(D) are being priced to sell, and have
(E) had been priced to sell, and they have
they的指代指的是their wines。而不是vintners。原因有以下几点:(manhattan)1,代词指代原则中they就近指代,最近的名词是wines。2,case原则,they做主语,和their wines也做主语,做主语的代词常指代另一个从句中的主语。They指代wines.3,重复的代词要指代相同的先行词。这个要求必须完全一致。Their/they并不完全一致。指代wines
此题,仅针对此题的逻辑可知,and前后说的事情应该是一致的。故they是对their wines的指代。
I have never seen an aardvark, but my father has.
I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father saw one
在很少的情况下,动词时态可以不同,但是被省略的那个verb必须在句子的另一个地方出现过,而且形式要一模一样(exact verb form)。
Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they do
助动词be ,do , have要代表positive form of a verb phrase,尽管前面有否定意思
Some people do not eat soup, but others do.(do eat soup)
B,have sell不正确,应该是have sold.因此要将sold补出来
D,have sell不正确,应该是have sold。将sold补出来。同时这里的they不可以省略,如果要省略的话需要将“,”一起省略掉。
E,have sell不正确,应该是have sold。将sold补出来。Had been priced指的是,在酒商们降低价格之前,这些酒已经为了促销降价了,这个时候后面这个have应该改成是did.表明已经促销。
-- by 会员 小花呱 (2011/8/15 17:55:47)