做的時候選A...但想想選C!! 原句句意應該是 因為經濟"未來"會續強, 所以分析師們"預測"... c. because the economy continues strong, analysts predicted for weeks that the target would ...正確 1. because the economy will continue strong,... 副詞子句需用現在式代替未來式, 改continues... 2. 分析師幾個禮拜前做了預測..(for weeks 可以用在過去式) .. 過去式強調"作預測"這件事, 現在完成式強調到"現在都還在做預測"...文法都OK!..我覺得... a. because of the economy’s continued strength, analysts have been predicting for weeks that the target will 1.economy's continued strength..經濟被持續的力量...怪! ( strength : Fphysical power and energy/EELING/BELIEF ) 而且要不就用 continuous 最佳, continuing (active) 其次, continued(positive)..非常不通! because the economy continues strong, ... S. V. SC. 配合 because of +N...改成動名詞用法應該寫成.. because of the economy's continuing strong, ... a. because of the economy’s continued strength, analysts have been predicting for weeks that the target will 1.economy's continued strength..經濟被持續的力量...怪! ( strength : Fphysical power and energy/EELING/BELIEF ) 而且要不就用 continuous 最佳, continuing (active) 其次, continued(positive)..非常不通! because the economy continues strong, ... S. V. SC. 配合 because of +N...改成動名詞用法應該寫成.. because of the economy's continuing strong, ... 參考...
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-25 23:17:30编辑过] |