解释里面对D的解释是:To the extent that this bears on the interpretation of the study,it weakens it.Patrons using credit cards are surely aware that they have credit,and yet they spend less generously. 求这句话的翻译。。。不懂 -- by 会员 hhhlll (2011/5/31 15:32:45)
OG的解释其实是更深了一个层次: 其实这个选项对于题目问的“Which of the following, if true, moststrongly supports the psychologists’ interpretation of the studies?”是没有关系的,因为选项与psychologists’ interpretation根本不搭边、更为提及一点关于credi logo ; 但是OG更深的解释了一下,即就这种程度而言(To the extent,这句很重要),基于D选项(this)对这份研究的理解(bears on the interpretation of the study,注意此处针对的是文章前三行study的理解,而不是针对the psychologists’ interpretation of the studies),D选项削弱了题目中的研究。因为用信用卡的顾客当然知道他们有信用额度,然而却仍然并不慷慨(Patrons using credit cards are surely aware that they have credit,and yet they spend less generously. )。意思就是说,用信用卡付款的人无需logo的提醒就知道自己有信用额度(spending power)但是却还是比现金付款的人给的小费少,和结论spending power大、小费多这个相反,所以是削弱。
我也是“抠”了半天才折腾出这么个解释,希望大家能明白,还因这个跟男朋友吵了一架,他解释半天我听不懂。后来妥协了,呵呵~~~ |