Most insomnia is not an illness or a physical condition so much as a symptom of another problem that may simply be a reaction to certain medications, anxiety about travel, or stress before a job interview.
an illness or a physical condition so much as a symptom of another problem that may simply be a reaction to certain medications
an illness or a physical condition so much as symptomatic of another problem that may be a simple one, like a reaction caused by certain medications
so much an illness or a physical condition but a symptom of another problem that may be as simple as when certain medications cause a reaction
so much an illness or a physical condition, but it is a symptom of another problem, maybe a simple one like certain medications causing a reaction
so much an illness or a physical condition but symptomatic of another problem, maybe simply a reaction to certain medications
I stick to A.
Most insomnia is not an illness or a physical condition so much as a symptom of another problem that may simply be a reaction to certain medications, anxiety about travel, or stress before a job interview. 大部分的失眠与其说是一种病或身体状况,不如说是一种其他问题(就是除了前面所提到的illness & a physical condition)的症状(或者说是表现).而这些其他问题的表现可能是对某些治疗的反应---就是说人对某些治疗的反应是表现为失眠,对旅游的忧虑----因为担心旅游所有引起失眠,或者是对工作面试的紧张 ---因为紧张面试所以失眠。
At 2nd, even 'reaction' is not very clear in the meaning in this sentence, we can use 'anxiety' and 'stress' to let us understand; we can say: anxiety/stress causes insomnia, but cannot say: anxiety/stress is insomnia, right? I support your explanation that '对旅游的忧虑----因为担心旅游所有引起失眠,或者是对工作面试的紧张 ---因为紧张面试所以失眠'
At 3nd, so, we can say: anxiety/stress causes symptom, but cannot say: anxiety/stress is symptom.