So asserted the National Association of Manufacturers while urging retention of an executive order requiring some federal contractors to set numerical goals for hiring minorities and women.谢谢
So asserted the National Association of Manufacturers while urging retention of an executive order requiring some federal contractors to set numerical goals for hiring minorities and women.谢谢
"Affirmative action is good business.So asserted the NA of M while urging retention of an executive order requiring some federal contractors to set numerical goals for hiring minorities and women." 试着分开翻译一把,希望对大家理解有所帮助:
Affirmative action is good business: AC法案是个好东东. So asserted the NA of M. NAM如是说. while urging retention of an executive order :当(NAM)在推动保留一项行政命令时. requiring some federal contractors to set numerical goals for hiring minorities and women行政命令)要求一些联邦承包商雇佣一定数量的少数民族和妇女员工.