但是我觉得在商科这个与实务界密不可分的领域,念了博士进公司搞研究或者搞技术的也不在少数吧? ----- why would you blieve that a phd degree matters more? this is the vital question you have to answer in the first place. higher pay? higher chance to get in? higher chance to get higher level of the position? or what? 美国排名一般的msa master也不能抱太高期望吧,凡事都得靠自己,留美步步维艰!大多还是直接回国了 ----- i seriously doubt your notion that most of the msa graduates go back to China after graduation. also, low-ranking msa programs with good locations are not so bad. 即便是留美,等我把留美的成本赚回来,这边博士也毕业了。。 ----- what matters you the most? money? or life? money is not everything in your life. by doing msa, you are likely to manage your life in a delightful way. by doing a phd, you have to devote a significant portion of your time to research and learning. your logic here implicitly indicates that you believe a phd degree represents a higher status quo than a master degree, which i don't believe is the truth. -- by 会员 galluplinc (2011/5/11 17:14:51)
除了非常非常谢谢,我真没词儿了!!!恩恩,我会好好思考的,感谢版主GG的分析!我对追逐美国梦又重新燃起了希望! |