LS对这句话的意思理解反了,as compared with other people of the same age,young adults who are about to get married have fewer of the unhealthy habits that can cause a person to have a shorter life.的意思: young adults [who are about to get married] have fewer (of) the unhealthy habits that [can cause a person to have a shorter life]
LS对这句话的意思理解反了,as compared with other people of the same age,young adults who are about to get married have fewer of the unhealthy habits that can cause a person to have a shorter life.的意思: young adults [who are about to get married] have fewer (of) the unhealthy habits that [can cause a person to have a shorter life]
A 婚姻使人少参加容易受伤的运动 - 婚姻有贡献 - WEAKEN B 婚姻使人容易在婚后戒掉坏习惯 - - 婚姻有贡献 - WEAKEN C 物以类聚人以群分 -- 没啥影响 D 年轻人结婚后戒掉坏习惯的,大多数没有重染恶习 -婚姻还是有帮助的 - - 婚姻有贡献 - WEAKEN E 对于没有烟酒恶习的年轻人来说,结婚没结婚的活的一样长 - - 婚姻没贡献 - strengthen
-- by 会员 Kb24 (2011/4/19 17:12:43)
D应该不是削弱而是无关。 D 说了 年轻人结婚后(D选项用了 "after" not "because")戒掉坏习惯的,大多数没有重染恶习. 因为没提到那些没结婚的年轻人是否有重染恶习,所以得不出“结婚”是“没有重染恶习“的原因。 (即没有比较,得不出是weaken/strength, ) 个人理解,是D选项只是说 after marrage 这个时间段怎么样, 所以只说D的内容和文章