Tsinghua will be like Said School of Oxford. PKU will be like Judge School of Cambridge
CEIBS will never be MIT with its faculty but will be more like Tuck/Darden/Harvard.
CKGSB's ambition is Wharton/Stanford/Sloan/Booth but they need to do more China related research. So far all the faculties in CKGSB have published mostly in Western journals and got tenure there. They need to sit down and provide new knowledge for business in China.
Very interesting to get idea from you guys. I think the why Alex said CEIBS is like MIT, the reason should be the fine tradition of scholarship.
So, according to grossman' estimate, which CK would be BOOTH/Stanford in the futher. Thus the priority is to win a NOBEL prize (Or something like that) , but not any kind of ranking, acreditation. Is that correct?
It is more about good independent thinking and knowledge creation.
Chinese scholars should not just explain why Government policy is alwasy the best. Instead, they should provide criticism and a different point of view. CKGSB tries to look at issues from private entrepreneurs' standing point.
Private independent enterprises are the targeted sectors of CKGSB! Of course, CKGSB weclome ambitious businessmen from all sectors but what differentiates it from all other schools is its focus on private independent enterprises.
yes. Tsinghua can move ahead if it can change its mindset.
One day we will have respect for tsinghua if its president can say that Tsinghua is a top school because our faculties have made significant contributions to human knowledge. Not something like we are number one because our government said so.