Main conclusion: If the governmnet regulates the industry, only the three large companies will be able to remain in business. A) None of the three large companies will go out of business if the government does NOT regulate the manufacture of the product. If you negate A, you have: SOME of the three large companies will go out of business if the government does NOT regulate the manufacture of the product. If this is true, what would happen to the main conclusion of the argument? Nothing. Because after negation, the trigger of negated A is: if the government does NOT regulate the manufacture of the product. And the trigger for the main conclusion is: If the governmnet regulates the industry. No trigger, no effect in formal logic. A is not necessary. -- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2011/6/13 11:43:53)
啊!!对!我把条件给改了! 那如果A是“None of the three large companies will go out of business if the government regulate the manufacture of the product.”那么和E比较起来,我应该选那个呢~~嘿嘿 |