答案: unemployment is not normally concentrated in geographically isolated segments of the population(这里说的什么geographically isolated segments of the population文中根本没有提到,但是用常识判断就是一般说经济不发达,比较隔绝的地方,失业率会比较高)
bank failure 跟银行利息不相关的。在美国,银行的利息少的可怜,很少有人靠利息赚钱的。因为美国政府保证存款人的本金,银行即使倒闭了,被盗了,政府会支付存款人的本金。这就使得存款人懒得去选择哪家银行最保险。所以导致银行不好好经营自己的保险程度,保险程度不高,破产率就会升高。主要还是好好体会最后一句话
If depositros wre more selevive , then banks would need to be secure in order to compete for depositors's money
If depositors were more selective, then banks would need to be secure in order to compete for depositors' money.不起作用,要有作用的话,反而是,由于rate的不同而使 custom更好的区别银行从而进行选择,所以说如果相关的话,更倾向于support而不是weaken呢....