从一个Wharton graduate (also a Darden partner)那里听说,Darden创业这一块很不错,很多人虽然list as seeking,但最后自己invest in business development了,所以在就业数据上难看了一点。虽然Darden在创业这一块的福利不错,但是作为国际学生,就算自己很喜欢adventure,也不指望能获得多大的帮助。在这点上,Darden的career service不给力好像还是比较公认的,当然校友还是很给力的^_^ Anyway,继续纠结,这个礼拜就不指望安安稳稳过了。 To Darden2013 as well as current Darden students, I've already joined the new admit mail list. Looking forward to meeting with you guys.   lease share more information on the employment situation specifically for Chinese students in consulting. Thanks. -- by 会员 alizwell (2011/3/30 0:17:41)
same inquiry here. any comment or data from Darden student is highly appreciated! |