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发表于 2011-3-14 15:40:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-3-15 11:46:16 | 只看该作者
大家都讨论的那么热火朝天,我好惭愧,我只顾着琢磨学校附近有什么好餐厅好酒吧,健身房里的瑜伽课都开哪几种去了。。 决定面壁思过。。。
发表于 2011-3-15 12:55:00 | 只看该作者
From my friend working in GS real estate IBD in NYC:

His opinion on the schools, "I agree w/ your assessment of Columbia vs Cornell Real Estate Masters programs; it’s better to have the ability to do an internship, but being in NYC would be better than Ithaca.  I would think the Columbia Real Estate Masters program would be a good option, and probably more attractive than Cornell. "

His opinion on job hunting, "You’ll definitely have a better shot at an analyst position, but you’ll have to work a little harder to get in front of banks b/c my guess is it’s outside of the standard analyst recruiting program which predominantly recruits from undergraduate schools.  Not a slam dunk but my guess is that it’s possible with some hard work. "

Hope this helps.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-15 14:32:08 | 只看该作者
大家都讨论的那么热火朝天,我好惭愧,我只顾着琢磨学校附近有什么好餐厅好酒吧,健身房里的瑜伽课都开哪几种去了。。 决定面壁思过。。。
-- by 会员 joannaw0735 (2011/3/15 11:46:16)

发表于 2011-3-16 11:22:56 | 只看该作者
大家都讨论的那么热火朝天,我好惭愧,我只顾着琢磨学校附近有什么好餐厅好酒吧,健身房里的瑜伽课都开哪几种去了。。 决定面壁思过。。。
-- by 会员 joannaw0735 (2011/3/15 11:46:16)

就让你再幸福的幻想两天吧。希望刚才我说的没把你吓到。但我们summer semester 6个星期的real estate history class真有10本textbook。我们那个学期为这事反映了好几次,也许你们这届textbook会少两本。

 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-16 11:55:00 | 只看该作者
大家都讨论的那么热火朝天,我好惭愧,我只顾着琢磨学校附近有什么好餐厅好酒吧,健身房里的瑜伽课都开哪几种去了。。 决定面壁思过。。。
-- by 会员 joannaw0735 (2011/3/15 11:46:16)

就让你再幸福的幻想两天吧。希望刚才我说的没把你吓到。但我们summer semester 6个星期的real estate history class真有10本textbook。我们那个学期为这事反映了好几次,也许你们这届textbook会少两本。

-- by 会员 lovejiujiu (2011/3/16 11:22:56)

发表于 2011-3-17 00:52:48 | 只看该作者

While I understand where you're coming from, I'm not completely sure I agree with your take on recruiting for Int'ls.  I've seen quite a number of international students land jobs here in the States.  Granted, it is much harder, but certainly not impossible.  I would say that the most likely path of landing a job in the states if you're an international is to do an internship, and leveraging your summer experience into a full-time position.  The easiest path to landing a full-time position in the states is to go through the banking or advisory route which tends to offer a lot more internships and more H1-B visas.

As far as trying to land a full-time offer at a bank, I would say it's imperative to have done an internship in the same industry.  The four students from this year's class that are entering IBD all spent their summer either with an IB or a well-respected PE shop.  In short, there are opportunities out there, you just have to place yourself in the right position to capitalize on them.
发表于 2011-3-17 03:39:04 | 只看该作者
Actually I absolutely agree with your comment. For ppl who are interested in working for Investment Banks, a two year program with internship definitely has advantage over us. However, I think we are discussing two different subjects here.

1. To answer Rabbit's question, after talking to the major banks during their recruitment at Columbia in September/October, the feedback we have received is that most of the IBDs do not plan to expand their real estate division any time soon. Blackrock, GS are shrinking their size. That's why I said if Rabbit's primary goal is to stay in US after graduation, I would not recommand her to study real estate at this moment simply because of the market conditions. A degree in the broader finance area will likely give international students a better shot to land a job at major banks with H1B sponsorship.
2. But if someone's goal is to work for an IBD/consulting firm (regardless in which country), then yes, Cornell's program with internship will yield a better chance for people to land a job in these sectors simply bcos of their recruiting cycle are in tune with Cornell's summer internship. That's the nature of a two year program.

However, for a PE/fund/developer job, I don't see an absolute advantage in doing an internship. They don't recruit as regularly as IBs at the begining of the fall semester. And you certainly see people get into these firms without a prior internship. Also FYI, some of my classmates have worked part time for funds/developers during the year, and they havn't received a full time job offer from their employers. So I guess it's different from firm to firm once you start looking outside of IBs.
发表于 2011-3-19 12:07:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-3-20 21:50:37 | 只看该作者
To Sunflower, elective fail了问题不大,因为通常the number of electives we take都比学校要求的多不少。但如果你fail了core class就麻烦了。好好学就好了。
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