再问下,如果像c说的,没有显著的减少,那么我可以理解为增加吗?觉得没有显著减少, 肯能减少,可能增加,可能不变,这个是变量, 不能确定最终b得电视机是增加还是减少? -- by 会员 naoyixue (2011/4/18 11:59:05)
Not decreased significantly = might be slightly decreased, no change, or increased. The question is not asking for a sufficient assumption, but a necessary one. Therefore, with the necessary assumption, it is not sufficient to lead to the conclusion of increasing output in TV. But an increase in productions DEMANDS the necessary assumption of (C). -- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2011/4/18 12:22:36)
楼主好,我还想再请教您一下关于necessary assumption 和 sufficient assumption的区别,没有看懂这有什么区别~ 还有,我在做假设题的时候有点没有方法,不像加强题或是削弱题,假设题我只知道“假设否定,如果原文结论因此不成立,则为正确答案”,但我自己否定的时候却想不到向您1楼的样子,只是简单的在选项中加个not而已。希望您能指点我一下怎么才能想的正确,而不是我这样简单的加个not否定,谢谢啦~!O(∩_∩)O |